Topic: dxf import not working

I made a series of graphics on Illustrator which I then exported to DXF, but when I import it it doesn't show me anything, it doesn't give me error signals but nothing matters, I attach an example of a DXF that I made... I don't know how Do

Re: dxf import not working

If anyone knows anything that would be great... I operate from an M1 mac, maybe that's the problem? although in reality even on the Windows PC it doesn't let me import any DXF as if what I imported was empty

Post's attachments

Attachment icon initpage.dxf 172.08 kb, 120 downloads since 2023-11-04 

Re: dxf import not working

Your sample file seems pretty much empty.  Tried to open it with LibreCAD and Inkscape on Linux.  It shows a circle with a vertical line through it, sometimes also some kind of arc on the right side.  I suppose your Illustrator export is broken.

Re: dxf import not working

acanducci20 wrote:

If anyone knows anything that would be great... I operate from an M1 mac, maybe that's the problem? although in reality even on the Windows PC it doesn't let me import any DXF as if what I imported was empty

I tried from M2 MAC the DXF attached in this example here and it's worked fast and very well: … 491#p16491

Your DXF file didn't work..with dxf2elmt (arm64)..

QElectroTech V 0.100.0-dev
Compilation : CLANG 14.0.0 (clang-1400.0.29.102)
Built with Qt 5.15.11 - arm64 - Date : Oct 30 2023 : 17:33:48
Git Revision : 489bfe1a7fd4ffe2d06c0a0438372a5d146ad30e
Run with Qt 5.15.11 using 8 thread(s)
CPU : Apple M2
RAM Total : 8 GB

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

Re: dxf import not working

Little test on M2 MAC.

Post's attachments

Capture d’écran 2023-11-05 à 09.09.21 - Grande.png, 90.18 kb, 1280 x 720
Capture d’écran 2023-11-05 à 09.09.21 - Grande.png 90.18 kb, 94 downloads since 2023-11-05 

Attachment icon GG_MSB6_02_TEST_10.dxf 600.77 kb, 98 downloads since 2023-11-05 

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

Re: dxf import not working

In the meantime, thank you very much for the answer, yes actually the dxf example I posted should really be what you saw... a half full and half empty circle... so are you saying I did something wrong in exporting the dxf file from Illustrator? Is there anything that can be done? It would be really frustrating because I exported something like 650 files this way one by one...

Re: dxf import not working

I open your DXF with QCad, ctrl +A for select all parts, in Block menu I Click on explode and after I save file, now your DXF work whit QET dxf2elmt pulgin.


Post's attachments

Attachment icon test_dxf.elmt 3.49 kb, 90 downloads since 2023-11-05 

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

Re: dxf import not working

Thank you very much for the answer but I think I didn't understand well... so..

- I open the dxf in qElettrotech
- command + a
- I don't understand here, in which menu should I click ''explode''? and then save it externally in elmt?

Re: dxf import not working

Open it in QCAD (or LibreCAD, almost the same) - not in QElectroTech.  Then the instructions apply.

To save this step in the future, teach your Illustrator to not make DXF "blocks" from grouped elements or shapes.

10 (edited by TerranceKohler 2024-09-16 08:35:23)

Re: dxf import not working

acanducci20 wrote:

Thank you very much for the answer but I think I didn't understand well... so..

- I open the dxf in qElettrotech basket random
- command + a
- I don't understand here, in which menu should I click ''explode''? and then save it externally in elmt?

There are different kinds of DXF files, like R12, R14, 2000, 2010, and more. "AutoCAD 2000/LT" or "R12" are older formats that can be used by most programs, so try saving your DXF in those instead when you export from Illustrator.

Re: dxf import not working

For what it's worth, I have forked the dxf2elmt program, and have started making changes. I have a version of it offline that supports blocks without exploding them first in something like QCad. I had hoped to clean it up and release it last week, but sometimes life gets in the way of our best intended plans. Hopefully I'll finish cleaning it up soon, and after that people won't need to worry about if there DXF file has blocks or not.