Topic: Please add option for locking dynamic texts pos. to symbol

On created element in element editor is dynamic text placed relative to symbol contures. In schematic editor this text is snapping to another grid (for example if i change size of text, it is moved. If i want move this to optimal positon text is snaping to another grid. /I know Ctrl key positioning/). It may cause colisions between symbol contures and this text. If this happen is difficult to reposition this texts.

Please add options for position locking (or choice for automatic reposition) of dynamic text to original relative position defined in element editor or by manualy defined coordinates if text is added later.

Btw. any text position (not only in symbol) should respect text align setting. But this is not good implemented. (For example in Eagle schematic editor is it good implemented.)

Re: Please add option for locking dynamic texts pos. to symbol

I don't want to discuss that there are (many?) things that may be better implemented in QET:
Even the Main-Developer says so!

Maybe this helps to explain text-positions: … 867#p19867

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3 (edited by jiridobrovolny 2024-05-16 12:19:11)

Re: Please add option for locking dynamic texts pos. to symbol

Excuse me but i dont know what you want to say.

If there is some logic philosophy of using texts positioning, it is hard to use for me. (Btw, this topic is not about positioning but another grid snaping by text.) The linked topic do not helped me.

I please for another / better implementation for this. I can donate some money (It was 10 Eur today. What is enough to, at least, hear me? What can i do?). There is no invective to program developers.

This program have (IMHO) big potential but there is some litle bugs. I want only constructive discussion too.

4 (edited by plc-user 2024-05-16 14:19:35)

Re: Please add option for locking dynamic texts pos. to symbol

jiridobrovolny wrote:

Btw, this topic is not about positioning (...)

Do I really have to tell you what you wrote?

jiridobrovolny wrote:

Btw. any text position (not only in symbol) should respect text align setting. But this is not good implemented.


I am also a user of QET and do not want to discourage you from continuing to work with QET or even discourage you from donating to the project!

However, if you had followed the discussions here over the last few weeks and months, you would have realised that we currently have a shortage of active developers.

(Good) ideas are regularly posted here, but there is a lack of people to realise them.

Fragen zu QET gehören in dieses Forum und werden nicht per PM beantwortet! – Questions regarding QET belong in this forum and will NOT be answered via PM! – Les questions concernant QET doivent être posées sur ce forum et ne seront pas traitées par MP !