Topic: How to update/refresh the drawing after element was edited

Hello Al

I have a maybe silly question:
If I have an element and I wanna edit it in the editor, e.g. change the size, I can do that,
save the element close the editor, but nothing happens.
The element on the folio keeps the same size.

What must be done to update the drawing? I think reopen the project can do that, but
I don`t wanna always close and reopen the file.

Thanks for help.



Re: How to update/refresh the drawing after element was edited

Hello Chris,

drag abd drop your element modified and saved before close QET.



"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

Re: How to update/refresh the drawing after element was edited

Hi Laurent

Yes, this I could see, but if I wanna modify the element somewhen later during the design phase, and I have
for example some texts attached to the element, I have to make all the texts from scratch?
It`s as if I would place a complete new element.
Delete the old one, insert a new one, and make all things new?



Re: How to update/refresh the drawing after element was edited

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

Re: How to update/refresh the drawing after element was edited

Hello once again

This all doesn`t work as expected.
Today I insert a switch. Is too small. OK, modify the component. Done.
Delete old one, insert new one, but I don`t get a message if I wanna replace the already insert
parts? I just can insert a new one.
And I have a Auto-numbering. So each time I insert a part the index is incremented.
Means, if I change 5 times the size, at the end I have only one part with index 5.

Thanks for help how I can manage this correctly.


Re: How to update/refresh the drawing after element was edited

Hi C.lehner,
I fall on same issue, and I found half answer.

1) You must update (edit) your user/company collection symbol, never the local project symbol. So when you try to place one more from there you get the message your local project collection will be update.

2) I think on previous process you don't even need to place one, you just need to drop and down and click yes for library update.

3) I found already installed old symbols are not updated till project is closed and open again. Sorry I am novice and I don't know if there is another way to force to update all proyect.

Note: I miss the option to update only the collection you have modified and full collections updated is required when a new symbol is added (even from symbol manager tool "save as file" command).