1 (edited by tiz.meneghe 2023-01-02 20:19:30)

Topic: Fonts problem with migration from MacOS to VM Kubuntu Linux

Hi, members

To avoid problems, I installed Kubuntu VM on Parallels MacOS.
The character set is different and creates graphical problems in the drawing and in the element library.
How can I globally replace fonts with similar sized ones on already completed projects?
Editing every single line of text or element in every single sheet is impossible!
Text original MS sans sherif 9 or 7. I can't find them for linux..

Replacing it with one of similar size in "configuration", how can you do a "live refresh" on the project sheets?

If that's not possible, is there a way to change the library and then "live update" the schema with the new library?


Post's attachments

Schermata 2023-01-02 alle 19.04.49.png, 60.5 kb, 398 x 560
Schermata 2023-01-02 alle 19.04.49.png 60.5 kb, 45 downloads since 2023-01-02 

Re: Fonts problem with migration from MacOS to VM Kubuntu Linux

https://linuxconfig.org/install-microso … sh-desktop

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

Re: Fonts problem with migration from MacOS to VM Kubuntu Linux

Other way, open your project.qet with the best kate editor, use search and replace function to change in xml file your font.
Make a backup off course before.

Kate is the default kde editor and is include in you kubuntu.
It is very powerfull and I use all the times and like it.

https://kate-editor.org/post/2022/2022- … te-kwrite/

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

Re: Fonts problem with migration from MacOS to VM Kubuntu Linux

JFYI, export sqlite3 project database now work ready in latest OSX bundle package.
https://qelectrotech.org/forum/viewtopi … 291#p17291

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

Re: Fonts problem with migration from MacOS to VM Kubuntu Linux

Hello Lorenzo,

I had already done what was specified in point 1.
I had installed several fonts but the sans serifs were still larger in size, I also adopted the Microsoft fonts with windows and I can't find them in linux...
I managed to correct the schema using Kate and replacing Sans... and MS with compatible Noto or Arial. Arial which is also standard for everyone.
But I still have to edit all the elements part!

I managed to change the "specifiche.elmt" and *.qet schema but I don't know how to set the Arial standard and size to "elements".
Do I have to edit EVERY *.elmt file?
there are many!
Isn't there another system?

Re: Fonts problem with migration from MacOS to VM Kubuntu Linux

I just found this, maybe try it.
https://www.reddit.com/r/Kubuntu/commen … n_kubuntu/
https://www.reddit.com/r/kde/comments/v … on_my_kde/
https://www.reddit.com/r/linux4noobs/co … ;context=3

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

Re: Fonts problem with migration from MacOS to VM Kubuntu Linux

Hello Laurent
Thank you.

I had already downloaded several very compatible fonts in size but the problem is declaring it in the various files.
I solved on the schema with the "replace" command in Kate.
Example: "sans serif,10" change string to "Arial,9" , "all", done.
But the problem remains in the elements, I should do it for everyone and there are many!
It's not like you can make me a script that looks for the string in every file in the diresctory e.g. <114_connections>... replacing type "Microsoft Sans Serif, 12" in "Arial, 9 " or other character and replace it automatically in all files present in that directory ??

Bye thank you