Topic: Feature request for autonumbering and positioning
Hi there,
I have 2 feature request:
- For the auto numbering reset of numbering. My suggestion is: 6 extra buttons on the "Auto numbering section": 2 for each Conductor, Element and Folio. 1st button: Reset to "1" and the 2nd button: Reset to "?. the last button should show a popup to enter the number to set the actual counter to.
motivation: while learning your (almost fantastic) software and setting up a first drawing I make a lot of mistakes. so resetting a auto numbering value will happen very often at this moment it takes 7 clicks including entering a number to reset the counters. I see more people are struggling with this. Maybe this is a nice and understandable way to improve this workflow.
- For positioning elements it would be nice to see the actual position X an Y while dragging you element around. my first thought would be in the same bar as the redo/undo buttons or maybe as most cad programs have: in the lowest bar of the main window where the tool tips are displayed as well. DONE
To motivate you guys even more then you already are I will donate another 50 euro for the auto numbering reset feature in the next 0.9_DEV release and 25 euro for the position indicator feature!
Martijn Diks