Topic: Auto numbering question

First of all Hello Im new here!
Im using Qelectrotech for a couple of weeks now its my first drawing program.
Ive used eplan for a couple of weeks on my previous job but im still a newbie with drawing E-schematics.

I have a (think) simple question but i cant find the answers here (or im looking wrong)

On my job we use different numbers for pages like
100-199 is Digital Input
200-299 is Digital Output

When i want to number my folios I just name them like : 200 Digital Input EB1
But the folio number stays like : 3/13
So when I want to look up a page I still have to look for the folionumber and not the 200.
Also the reference uses the folionumber and not the 200.

Is there something i can do about that?
Sorry if this is a stupid question and its probably something simple but I cant find it.
(also sorry if my english is bad, im Dutch)

Greetings Henk

Re: Auto numbering question

Hi see: … 152#p16152

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

Re: Auto numbering question

Thanks for the quick response!
I think im still doing something wrong.
In the project list to the right i get the right numbers by replacing them in: Folio properties> Folio where first was %id/%total.
I just replaced it with my number like 80.
This works fine for me. Dont know if its the right method but it does the job for me.
Only problem that im stuck with is in my template my folio still stand on:
Folie: 11
Folie: 13.

Does it mean i have to place a couple blank pages in between there so i get 80 or am i still missing the right point?
Many Thanks,
Greetings Henk

Re: Auto numbering question


you could send your projetc?

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

Re: Auto numbering question

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

Re: Auto numbering question

Note: The folio label change takes some time to be refreshed in the project tree window.

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

Re: Auto numbering question

Hello Hereby some pictures.

Still know i do something wrong but dont know what...

Greetings Henk

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Attachment icon Screenshot 2022-07-04 12.04.42.png 137.34 kb, 38 downloads since 2022-07-04 

Re: Auto numbering question

Picture 2

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Screenshot 2022-07-04 12.06.26.png, 35.34 kb, 959 x 585
Screenshot 2022-07-04 12.06.26.png 35.34 kb, 117 downloads since 2022-07-04 

Re: Auto numbering question

Isn't %{folio-id} but %{folio} … ables.html

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

10 (edited by Henkie1294 2022-07-04 14:46:15)

Re: Auto numbering question

Many thanks for the help!
Ive got the pagenumbers good now.
One question tough.
My folie reference has still the old numbers even after refreshing.
Its probably just as simpel as my other fault but I dont know how to change it.
For example: My 7-A1 is now supposed to be 24-A1

Nevermind found it! Was suposed to use a (F) instead of (f)

Post's attachments

Screenshot 2022-07-04 14.23.04.png, 14.32 kb, 523 x 379
Screenshot 2022-07-04 14.23.04.png 14.32 kb, 112 downloads since 2022-07-04 

Re: Auto numbering question

scorpio810 wrote:

Hi Gravino,

in project setting or in general config enable use folio number/label instead of their position ... … oject.html

Use %F instead %f in formula for crossreference, reports, etc. … tings.html … tings.html

Best regards,

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."