Topic: position shift of sheets

Hello everyone,

there are sometimes strange position shifts in the sheet position on the monitor.
If you print it out in a PDF, it will work well.

sheet_01 correct position
sheet_02 slight shift
sheet_03 strong shift
sheet_04 correct position

Is there a solution to align all the sheets to the left?

Many Thanks


Post's attachments

Attachment icon sheets.7z 821.18 kb, 103 downloads since 2022-06-18 

2 (edited by lowVoltage 2022-06-18 23:10:35)

Re: position shift of sheets


The problem appears to perhaps be the zoom factor..

Please try:
MENU > Display > Fit In View

Re: position shift of sheets

Hello lowVoltage,

with ctrl+9 the view of page 2+3 does not change.
I've attached an example. On my Linux computer
page 2+3 is displayed differently than 1+4.

I think this behavior comes only when using copy+paste of a content.
But the pages remain permanently shifted.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon example.qet 342.53 kb, 97 downloads since 2022-06-19 

4 (edited by lowVoltage 2022-06-20 01:56:04)

Re: position shift of sheets


a) I opened your project.

b) the same problem occurs: folio 3 is shifted greatly to the right.
This is true even after I invoke CNTRL + 9.

c) I created a new (fifth) folio, 5/5.
I then copy-pasted the content of folio 3/5 into folio 5/5.
The identical problem appears then in 5/5.

So this seems to confirm that there is something strange about the specific content of folio 3/5.

If I encountered this problem in a typical CAD software (such as AutoCAD), I would suspect a 'stray' drawing entity located outside the drawing border area, causing a zoom/extents to zoom out far enough to encompass the stray entity.

QelectroTech is not CAD however, and I do not have a guess what may cause this problem.

I hope this may help in a small way.
I regret that I have no answer.

(I am using QeT ver 0.80 in Ubuntu Linux)

Re: position shift of sheets

thanks for the reply, it's not such a serious problem.
Maybe someone can take a look and find out what the problem is.

Re: position shift of sheets

It will be interesting to learn the answer.

Re: position shift of sheets

lowVoltage wrote:


(I am using QeT ver 0.80 in Ubuntu Linux)

You have PPA for 0.9-dev and is work very well than old 0.8 release.

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

Re: position shift of sheets


I now have installed ver 0.9, with much sincere thanks, and my warmest regards.
I can see the improved quality immediately.

Best wishes to you and all the QelectroTech team!

Re: position shift of sheets

It's a well old known bug, I already take look to fix it but was not easy (at time I check it, may be more easy now I got better skill) and also I prefer spend my time to implement big feature (actually terminal strip generator).
Vbxler can you fill a bug report ?

Développeur QElectroTech