1 (edited by jkaminski 2021-05-15 06:32:02)

Topic: Label text overlapping with reference text [ver 0.9]

Dear QElectroTech Developers and Users,

I enjoy the QET software a lot and am grateful for your amazing contributions. I am still learning and found one small problem, and am asking for your help here.

As in the picture attached, the text label "Q13" is overlapping master component reference text "(2-F2)".
How to increase the visibility and separate these text fields better?

With my best efforts, I was unable to change this, and these two pieces of text always moved together.
I would appreciate your help. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best regards,

Post's attachments

image_2021-05-15_003157.png, 11.07 kb, 402 x 536
image_2021-05-15_003157.png 11.07 kb, 166 downloads since 2021-05-15 

Re: Label text overlapping with reference text [ver 0.9]

https://download.qelectrotech.org/qet/m … tings.html

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

Re: Label text overlapping with reference text [ver 0.9]

Did this fix the problem? I have one element in a project that does this and I can't fix it.  All others are fine. The problem goes away I just discovered when I change it from view cross to view contact!

Re: Label text overlapping with reference text [ver 0.9]

now I cannot recreate the problem. very strange....

Re: Label text overlapping with reference text [ver 0.9]

I run today into this problem (I'm not drawing very often) and it seems changing anything in this settings (like adding space at end of formula) fixed the problem.