Topic: project name in Collectie

project name in Collectie is missing
is this normal, and or may it be changed for rc?

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Screenshot_20210123_171923.png 122.54 kb, 286 downloads since 2021-01-23 

Re: project name in Collectie

No, it's not normal.
If you save, close and open project, the name is displayed in the element collection, so minor bug.
Do you want to fix it or me ?

Développeur QElectroTech

3 (edited by De-Backer 2021-01-23 22:31:06)

Re: project name in Collectie

I'll give it a try

20:47:04: Unable to create a debugging engine.

mmm....a moment

/sources/qetproject.cpp //  project_title_ … t.cpp#n401


<project title="" version="0.80"> … .cpp#n1266

<project title="test" version="0.80">

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Screenshot_20210123_212914.png, 9.99 kb, 1056 x 156
Screenshot_20210123_212914.png 9.99 kb, 243 downloads since 2021-01-23 

Re: project name in Collectie

should the title be created when saving?
if it is empty.

Re: project name in Collectie

ok don … c7522665a7

6 (edited by De-Backer 2021-01-23 23:16:29)

Re: project name in Collectie

mm .. not complete anyway, name still needs to be reloaded.... part 2


emit(projectTitleChanged(this, project_title_));