Topic: Proposal to add new element types (signal and card)

After testing the new nomenclature feature I have a question/proposal which I would like to discuss in the forum.

Electrical projects provides summary, schemas, components layouts, component list, cable list, signal list, etc. At this moment there is job made for summary, component layouts, component list, terminal blocks and the work for a cable list is going forward.

Related to the signal list and export signals to csv, I have not found any work made at this moment. Some representations of signals that I am use to read can be found at the image attached. Some of them can be found at PLC manufacturer (ex.: Siemens) webpage. The element editor allows creating this type of representation, the actual problem is to manage the elements as other CAE tools.

My question/proposal is if QElectroTech could have some elements type more. I propose to have at least the card and signal element. A card would be a group of signals. Adding this two elements more, once the user creates/export a nomenclature filtering with signals elements would create a list of signals from the single signals added plus the signals from each card added. Additionally a list of cards could also be done separated.

Nice to have would be to allow slave elements to the signals and cards for identifying the signals at the PLC, micro-controller or card layout.

A signal should be a class with, at least, the properties:

- Type: digital or analogical
- Direction: input or output
- Label
- Description
- Card/device
- Voltage/Protocol/Current

A card should be a class with, at least, the properties:

- Type: digital or analogical
- Direction: input or output
- Label
- Description
- Card/device
- Voltage/Protocol/Current
- Number of signals

If you are convince on the proposal and you are interested on a deeper discussion, I am opened to participate on it. I think this idea is not generating many changes on the code.

Post's attachments

signals-representation.png, 21.56 kb, 923 x 625
signals-representation.png 21.56 kb, 367 downloads since 2020-10-02 

Re: Proposal to add new element types (signal and card)

It's already planned to add this new type of element.
Thanks for all details, they will help us to improve this features

Développeur QElectroTech