exemple :
laurent@debian:~$ snap refresh
All snaps up to date.
laurent@debian:~$ snap info qelectrotech
name: qelectrotech
summary: Electrical diagram editor
publisher: laurent trinques (scorpio)
contact: https://qelectrotech.org/forum/index.php
license: GPL-2.0
description: |
QElectroTech is a Qt5 application to design electric diagrams.
It uses XML files for elements and diagrams, and includes both a diagram
editor, an element editor, and a titleblock editor.
- qelectrotech.dxf-to-qet
- qelectrotech
- qelectrotech.qet-tb-generator
snap-id: CEFA0rCgrd6XZ1w9fX4mZzE8jrbR7y6n
tracking: edge
refresh-date: today at 01:32 CEST
stable: 0.7.0+git2.ccc43c816 2019-07-17 (78) 121MB -
candidate: 0.70-RC2~svn5945 2019-06-26 (18) 122MB -
beta: ↑
edge: 0.8-dev-2-g603824aab 2019-08-07 (138) 121MB -
installed: 0.8-dev-2-g603824aab (138) 121MB -
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