Topic: Drolumadaires are one-hump blowtorches.


Once again, our talent helped us pulverize all of our previous records with a total of 137 days without any news nor any signs of life... apart from the forum, bugtracker and Subversion repository, since we have actually been quite productive :-)
Let's begin with some figures:

  • 157 commits;

  • the elements collection now contains 1258 elements within 202 categories

  • The "diff" between the C++ sources at the time of the last news and the sources now is 18032 lines-long.

Yes, 18000 lines! Ok, there is the Unified Diff context. And the copyright-change-that-occurs-on-each-new-year too. But it mainly includes the long-waited WYSIWYG title block template editor:

... along with the following features:

  • access to editors through the systray menu

  • new system and user wide collections dedicated to title block templates

  • ability to open/save a template from/to a regular file

  • ability to apply a template by drag'n drop

  • automatic integration into the parent project when dropping a template onto a diagram

  • ability to clean unused templates within a project

  • etc.

Basically, title block templates are managed exactly like elements :-) There is still some work to be done, but it is already pretty usable.

The "elements panel" (which we could rename to "everything you may access panel") was also refactored to make the creation of tree-based widgets easier. The main consequences for end users are:

  • a sensible speedup of the element editor's  Open/Save dialogs (which were not using the SQLite cache mentioned in the previous news);

  • after having filtered the panel, the tree returns to its initial state instead of keeping almost every item expanded.

Last but not least, a new contributor named Mohamed Souabni began translating the application in arabic, bringing the need to check and fix existing layouts to ensure the application remains consistent in a Right-to-Left fashion:

By the way: the topic will hardly make sense for anyone on Earth.

Gray's Law of Programming:
'n+1' trivial tasks are expected to be accomplished in the same time as 'n' tasks.

Logg's Rebuttal to Gray's Law:
'n+1' trivial tasks take twice as long as 'n' trivial tasks

Re: Drolumadaires are one-hump blowtorches.

Salut ,

En complément de la news de Xavier , j'avais besoin d'ajouter dans un classeur existant  mes folios sur diverses modification électrique apportés à cette machine .
Autant essayer de reproduire le même cartouche .


le résultat en pdf , bon le logo c'est pas le vrai ........ nomicons/grin … k/test.pdf

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."