Topic: Conductor Labels

Is there a way to get the same label at the start and end of the wire?


Re: Conductor Labels

As far as I know, there is no way to add two labels on one conductor, you can manually write a label though..


Re: Conductor Labels

No it's not possible, but added to the todo list

Développeur QElectroTech


Re: Conductor Labels

Sorry for my English, I used google translate.

Good morning,
Here is the trick I use to have 2 labels on 1 conductor.
I duplicate 1 of the elements (I put it in backward: important) and I superimpose it on the 1st.
Pay attention to the position of the element (Front or backward) because if you connect 1 new conductor (it always connects to the element most in front / to be confirmed), it may not be connected to the right element, and this will cause problems if you delete the duplicated element (folio reference/terminal blocks, etc.) as well as in the management of terminal blocks or others (2 elements to be managed instead of just 1): on the attached diagram I have separated the 2 elements at the bottom of the page to display the result.
(I have attached 1 project with explanations)
The advantage of my trick is that if the conductor label changes, I can apply it to all the labels linked together, whereas if I had put a text field, it must be modified manually.

There may be more simple, here is my trick.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon sansnom.qet 60.66 kb, 121 downloads since 2023-03-07 


Re: Conductor Labels

Thanks, frskolon,

Great idea.


Re: Conductor Labels

friskolon wrote:

Sorry for my English, I used google translate.

Good morning,
Here is the trick I use to have 2 labels on 1 conductor.
I duplicate 1 of the elements (I put it in backward: important) and I superimpose it on the 1st.
Pay attention to the position of the element (Front or backward) because if you connect 1 new conductor (it always connects to the element most in front / to be confirmed), it may not be connected to the right element, and this will cause problems if you delete the duplicated element (folio reference/terminal blocks, etc.) as well as in the management of terminal blocks or others (2 elements to be managed instead of just 1): on the attached diagram I have separated the 2 elements at the bottom of the page to display the result.
(I have attached 1 project with explanations)
The advantage of my trick is that if the conductor label changes, I can apply it to all the labels linked together, whereas if I had put a text field, it must be modified manually.

There may be more simple, here is my trick.

Thanks for sharing the tips mate nomicons/smile