Re: Ideas to solve Terminal Blocks creation

scorpio810 wrote:

Normalement pour que ça fonctionne bien il te faut ces dépendances:  pyqt5-dev-tools python3-pip.
Avec mes paquets normalement si tu n'as pas désactivé les recommends ils devraient être installés, d'ailleurs sans il me semble que la commande pip3 ne fonctionne point.

pyqt5-dev-tools : 5.5.1
python3-pip: 8.1.1
J'ai ton ppa d'activé : deb trusty main
mais la notion de recommends n'e me parle pas...

Re: Ideas to solve Terminal Blocks creation

$ apt-cache policy pyqt5-dev-tools
  Installé : 5.7+dfsg-5+b1
  Candidat : 5.7+dfsg-5+b1

$ apt-cache policy python3-pip
  Installé : 9.0.1-2
  Candidat : 9.0.1-2

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."Questions regarding QET belong in this forum and will NOT be answered via PM! – Les questions concernant QET doivent être posées sur ce forum et ne seront pas traitées par MP !

Re: Ideas to solve Terminal Blocks creation

unalcalde wrote:

Hi Galexis, if you want send me the Qet project and I will check what's the problem.

@Unalcade : wich minimum version of pyqt5-dev-tools and  python3-pip are needed ?

Re: Ideas to solve Terminal Blocks creation

galexis wrote:

pyqt5-dev-tools : 5.5.1
python3-pip: 8.1.1
J'ai ton ppa d'activé : deb trusty main
mais la notion de recommends n'e me parle pas...

Heuu Trusty .... tu peux pas upgrader vers une distros plus récente?

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."Questions regarding QET belong in this forum and will NOT be answered via PM! – Les questions concernant QET doivent être posées sur ce forum et ne seront pas traitées par MP !

Re: Ideas to solve Terminal Blocks creation

scorpio810 wrote:
galexis wrote:

pyqt5-dev-tools : 5.5.1
python3-pip: 8.1.1
J'ai ton ppa d'activé : deb trusty main
mais la notion de recommends n'e me parle pas...

Heuu Trusty .... tu peux pas upgrader vers une distros plus récente?

LM18.1 est basé sur xenial, effectivement. Pourquoi trusty ?  N'était-ce pas une consigne à une époque  ?  Je testerais tout à l'heure...

Re: Ideas to solve Terminal Blocks creation

Mais bon, ça devrait rien changer il me semble pour les libs pip : pyqt5-dev-tools et python3-pip, par contre tu auras un paquet compilé avec une version plus récente de Qt et de GCC et en harmonie avec tes librairies installés.

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."Questions regarding QET belong in this forum and will NOT be answered via PM! – Les questions concernant QET doivent être posées sur ce forum et ne seront pas traitées par MP !

82 (edited by unalcalde 2017-07-23 23:07:41)

Re: Ideas to solve Terminal Blocks creation

Hi all, the problem was that I forgot the debug mode enable, and the program tries to print extra info. I'm sorry   :-(

I use every week the QET_TB_Generator and on my machine was working well because the source code is in.  The version 0.7.7 is launched.

To update:

pip3 install --upgrade qet_tb_generator

If someone has problems, the next commands create a virtualenv (isolated from the rest of the system) with the correct versions of python and the other libraries.

mkdir qet_tb
cd qet_tb
virtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python3 env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

To exit from the virtualenv:


To delete de virtual enviroment, just remove the qet_tb folder.

The file requirement.txt is attached.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon requirements.txt 212 b, 469 downloads since 2017-07-23 

Re: Ideas to solve Terminal Blocks creation

Hi Unalcade,
it's work well for me.
Thank you very much.

84 (edited by galexis 2017-07-26 11:49:32)

Re: Ideas to solve Terminal Blocks creation

2 requests for Unalcade:
For terminal reserve, script add link between each terminal: is it possible to remove it ?

In my schematic, I don't use line number for Xref only folio and column number: is it possible to do that by add parameters on script or auto-detection in project ?


Post's attachments

Capture du 2017-07-25 20-28-27.png, 18.55 kb, 390 x 315
Capture du 2017-07-25 20-28-27.png 18.55 kb, 396 downloads since 2017-07-25 

Re: Ideas to solve Terminal Blocks creation

Hi, I'm checkinh about bridge between terminal reservation.

About the topic of Xref, have you checked changing the cross-reference in the 'CONFIG' tab of the QET_Terminal_generator?

Re: Ideas to solve Terminal Blocks creation

unalcalde wrote:

Hi, I'm checkinh about bridge between terminal reservation.

About the topic of Xref, have you checked changing the cross-reference in the 'CONFIG' tab of the QET_Terminal_generator?

I see nothing to change format of xref on config: to have %f-%c and not %f-%l%c....

Post's attachments

Capture du 2017-07-26 17-48-33.png, 47.54 kb, 656 x 514
Capture du 2017-07-26 17-48-33.png 47.54 kb, 410 downloads since 2017-07-26 

Re: Ideas to solve Terminal Blocks creation

version 0.7.71 is launched and fixed the conditions to draw bridges between terminals.

Linux update:

sudo pip3 install --upgrade qet_tb_generator

Windows update:

python -m pip install --upgrade qet_tb_generator

Re: Ideas to solve Terminal Blocks creation

Great !

Re: Ideas to solve Terminal Blocks creation

Hi Unalcade,
what do you think about this idea to generate cable:
if we use "function" of conductor to indicate "name of cable" + ":" + "wire number" + "type of cable".
Example: "WC1:bu:5G1.5" or "WC2:1:5x1".
Do you think it's possible to generate element for each cable at the same time as terminals ?

Post's attachments

Attachment icon test_cables.qet 117.15 kb, 494 downloads since 2017-07-28 

90 (edited by unalcalde 2017-07-28 22:26:43)

Re: Ideas to solve Terminal Blocks creation

Hi everybody,

The new version 0.7.72 is launched. Now in the "config" tab you can choose 2 options for xref:

  • Default: Use the format page- row colum

  • Auto : Use the same configuration that un QET > Project Properties > New Folio > Folio referencings.

The auto option support the same tags that QET :%f, %F, %M, %LM, %l, %c.  Ramember thar the tag %F also can include %id (page number) and %total (total number of pages).

Linux Update:

sudo pip3 install --upgrade qet_tb_generator

Windows Update:

python -m pip install --upgrade qet_tb_generator

Please check, and it something fails say me.

Post's attachments

xref.png, 13.18 kb, 508 x 171
xref.png 13.18 kb, 394 downloads since 2017-07-28 

Re: Ideas to solve Terminal Blocks creation

Thank you very much Unalcade, it work very well !

92 (edited by unalcalde 2017-07-29 11:58:32)

Re: Ideas to solve Terminal Blocks creation

You're welcome.

Now the QET_TB_Generator does:

  • Terminal Block: searching terminals arround the diagram and grouping into terminals blocks.

  • Connectors: searching pins in the diagram and grouping into connectors

Will be well to do the same with cables, but maybe the best solution is to auto-create a "connections report table" of all conductors grouped by wires. What about doing something similar to the photo?

Post's attachments

connections_report.png, 121.83 kb, 646 x 292
connections_report.png 121.83 kb, 403 downloads since 2017-07-29 

93 (edited by galexis 2017-07-31 13:57:04)

Re: Ideas to solve Terminal Blocks creation

unalcalde wrote:

You're welcome.

Now the QET_TB_Generator does:

  • Terminal Block: searching terminals arround the diagram and grouping into terminals blocks.

  • Connectors: searching pins in the diagram and grouping into connectors

Will be well to do the same with cables, but maybe the best solution is to auto-create a "connections report table" of all conductors grouped by wires. What about doing something similar to the photo?

And generate the same table in element ? How over users represent wire ?
How you know wich conductor is in which wire ?

Re: Ideas to solve Terminal Blocks creation

We could use , for example, the field "function" of conductor properties. If the field is blank or not in the format 'W1:1' the conductor is not part of a electric hose.

Tha table will show all conductors, and also the electric hoses. For every conductor of a electric hose, it will shows cable number of the hose and the cable number of the diagram, hose name,...

Draw elements is dificult for some reasons:
* if the terminal block is too long, it's splited in several elements and maybe the terminals for a one motor are in diferent QET Elements.

* The electrical hoses connects from the terminal block to a drive, switch, detector,... So I don't know what to draw at the end of the electric hose.

* A table allow you to have a cross-references to easy locate every cable from where to where. If you are fixing a machine and you know the number of a cable, seeing the table you know from where to where is connected, in what page appear,...

The photo shows a more real example:

Post's attachments

connections_report.png, 47.35 kb, 804 x 306
connections_report.png 47.35 kb, 387 downloads since 2017-07-31 

Re: Ideas to solve Terminal Blocks creation

unalcalde wrote:

We could use , for example, the field "function" of conductor properties. If the field is blank or not in the format 'W1:1' the conductor is not part of a electric hose.

Draw elements is dificult for some reasons:
* if the terminal block is too long, it's splited in several elements and maybe the terminals for a one motor are in diferent QET Elements.

* The electrical hoses connects from the terminal block to a drive, switch, detector,... So I don't know what to draw at the end of the electric hose.

First point: I think too it's difficult for wire which is on different group of terminals. It's for this reason, I think, generator need to generate 1 element for each wire separate from terminals elements. User can easily modify it, or not use it.

Second point: at my job, we never draw element at the extremity. Only arrow and text like "pomp 1" "level sensor" ...
It should be more simple for generator.

96 (edited by unalcalde 2017-08-01 19:40:22)

Re: Ideas to solve Terminal Blocks creation

I understand your opinion. Do you mean something like the photo shows?

In the image, in green is coloured the current Terminal Block generator. The yellow is a standard element of the collection, and the pink are cables.  QET_TB_Generator creates complex new elements in the collection (with a lot of lines, text, pins,...), but for the new feature, generate a custom new element (with the yellow lines) has no advantages over using the element that already exists.

Post's attachments

sample.png, 24.95 kb, 162 x 688
sample.png 24.95 kb, 393 downloads since 2017-08-01 

Re: Ideas to solve Terminal Blocks creation

You're right: write information on conductor or on each wire element does'nt save times. When infomation are on project, it open possibility like list of wire as you show on post 94.

98 (edited by galexis 2017-08-14 22:27:30)

Re: Ideas to solve Terminal Blocks creation

There is a error on help when we start terminal plugin with error: for first install on windows it's "pip install qet_tb_generator" and not "pip install qet_generator".
It will be interesting to indicate we have in commandline, to execute command on folder where is script pip. If Python is installed only for one user: C:\users\XXXX\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36-32\Scripts

Post's attachments

Capture du 2017-08-14 22-07-09.png, 22.96 kb, 498 x 478
Capture du 2017-08-14 22-07-09.png 22.96 kb, 387 downloads since 2017-08-14 

Re: Ideas to solve Terminal Blocks creation

Thanks. nomicons/smile

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."Questions regarding QET belong in this forum and will NOT be answered via PM! – Les questions concernant QET doivent être posées sur ce forum et ne seront pas traitées par MP !


Re: Ideas to solve Terminal Blocks creation

Welcome to All.

I try software and i think its the best !!!!

Congratulation to all comunity.

But i have problem with install tb generator.

Its no avliable to download package from python repository.

Can You help me to install this module  for cration TB?

Post's attachments

generator.JPG, 29.44 kb, 833 x 132
generator.JPG 29.44 kb, 393 downloads since 2017-11-14