Hi there,

I am wondering if it is possible to link several coming arrows to one going arrow with folio referencing? I often have signals / conductors that link to more than one place / folio, but the only way I have found to do this is to create custom elements that look like coming / going arrows but that are actually master / slave elements. It's not entirely satisfactory doing it this way and I wondered if there is a better way to do this?


Hi there,
I'd like to be able to hide the cross-references (crosses / contacts etc.) - is there anyway of doing this? I see there was a request in 2017 (https://qelectrotech.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=1039), along with reference to a workaround that I can't find. But it would be great to be able to hide individual cross-references (or all of them on a sheet / project if that's easiest). Sometimes they are unnecessary and just get in the way!


Sorry, I'm being stupid, not quite sure what you're getting at re typo for circuit breakers? I'm just working with my own user collection. (qet_labels.xml in root of ..\Application Data\qet\elements as per code in my first post). The prefixes work ok (so long as not in the top level category), but I'm wondering if possible to keep sequence numbering separate for each element type.

Thanks for quick reply! However I think I'm missing something, as I'd found that file before, but this doesn't seem to keep track of different sequence numbers for different element types. Should it?

Just to make sure I'm being clear, I was hoping to achieve the following:

  • Place 1st fuse - label F1

  • Place 2nd fuse - label F2

  • Place 1st breaker - label Q1

  • place 3rd fuse - label F3

  • place 2nd breaker - label Q2

What actually happens is:

  • Place 1st fuse - label F1

  • Place 2nd fuse - label F2

  • Place 1st breaker - label Q3

  • place 3rd fuse - label F4

  • place 2nd breaker - label Q5

Hi there,
I am new to QET, and really liking it in comparison to other electrical drawing packages. However I am struggling a bit with the auto-numbering, and it took me a bit before I realised that it seems that the categories with prefixes have to be sub-categories. Ie you don't seem to be able to assign prefixes to top-level categories / folders. This seems strange, but easy enough to work around.

My example that didn't work (where "circuit_breakers" and "fuses" are folders at root level of elements folder):

  <category name="circuit_breakers">
  <category name="fuses">
  <category name="miscellaneous"></category>

and my example that did work (where "circuit_breakers" and "fuses" are sub-folders in a folder "circuit_protection"):

  <category name="circuit_protection">
      <category name="circuit_breakers">
      <category name="fuses">

What I am now struggling to understand is whether there is a way to keep the sequential numbering for different circuit element types separate (e.g. all fuses as F1, F2, F3, all breakers as Q1, Q2, Q3, rather than ending up with F1, Q2, F3, Q4 etc.). I realise you can create different numbering schemes for each type of circuit element, but this requires you to remember to change the numbering scheme each time you add an element to the folio - which I'm not very good at!

Thanks for any suggestions.