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scorpio810 wrote:Example 924.59 kb, 3 downloads since 2023-02-23
i have figured it out now, but i thought the links would still be clickable after an export to pdf? do i have a setting wrong?
i read in the patch notes (2016?) something about it being possible now.
also can you give the references custom names that show up in the reference linking panel?
okay so its just text fields linked to folio references.
is there anything in the manual about this that you can link me which i can read through?
because if i just copy paste out of this project you linked i wont learn anything.
and this is exactly what i wanted, the blue text is clickable and jumps to the linked counterpart.
no, exactly like at 32 seconds in the video "QElectroTech XREF links" where its a box with text that shows up which you can click and which it then jumps to. i cant post links which just makes this much more complicated.
what you posted are potentials that carry through and not cross links from my understanding
which looks to me to be exactly the same as eplan cross references where you can just click on them which is exactly what i need.
i have just come across a bigger project and now i was wondering how you can get links to work like in the qelectrotech showcase video at 32 seconds "QElectroTech XREF links"
Searching for "XREF" in the manual i could not find anything.
I have setup a crosslink but i had to set the display text to user defined and input my own, not as easy as just double clicking and putting in the part name like with resistors.
The link itself shows up blue but i dont see the link name (bbb/aaa) in the list. And clicking, shift/alt/ctrl clicking, double clicking does not jump the the other link either.
Are there any tutorials i have missed, any pages in the manual i couldnt find?
scorpio810 wrote:Instead of connecting to the resistor in 1 -> connect to "V+" to "IL+" !
hmmm i suppose that works, but is there really no way to have a connection come off 90° right after the connection point like this? maybe even automatically
Is there any way to disable grid snapping for these auto routing connections?
i know you can drag it down with shift and have it end up looking like in picture 3, but thats not a real fix in my opinion.
Also why can it not take an immediate 90° turn right after the connection point? (blue dot in picture 1)
Yes i know there is always the option to move everything apart further but i want to keep it as compact as possible.
And i also know you could fix this by moving the connection point of the resistor itself closer to the center in the part editor but that takes so much effort and doing that for every tiny little thing i place down is just not a plausible option.
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