Ahh okey. I understand. The adjustment of the sheet is also due to the printer

Here it is

The pixels dimensions according ISO 216

Keep coming out like this. It does not respect the margins I put in the page layout. Even if I have put the dimensions of the sheet of my design scheme the correct ones according to ISO 216:

I don't know where to find the checkbox print. Can you send me a caption?

Sorry...but i still have a problem. Even when i put all the parameters the scheme does not adjust to the folio. And i do not know why.

thanks for your time.

Thank you very much. I did it. It is that first I tried to export it to PDF and then print it and I did not get the Page Layout button activated when exporting it.

yes, the printer is installed correctly.

how can i also verify if i have intalled print on my OS?

How can i open project in diagram?

It is the other alternative that I found, the one with the white rectangle, hiding the top line.
I thought there would be another way without having to use it, such as passing the title block to the left or right of the folio.

Thanks for your reply.

My OS is Windows 10 and my QET version is V0.9. I also tried to use page layout downloading the V0.7 and the v0.8. And it didn't work on any.

Hope you can help me. Thanks for your reply


How can i adjust the dimensions I want of my title block so that it is on only one side of the sheet and is not all over the sheet? for example, the right side. As shown in the following image.

Thank you

Hello . To adjust my scheme to the folio I went to print and found the page layout button. However, I cannot use it because it is not enabled. Is there a library that i can download to be able active the page layout button? Thank you for your time

Hello Epartsman. To adjust my scheme to the folio I went to print and found the page layout button. However, I cannot use it because it is not enabled. Is there a library that i can download to be able active the page layout button? Thank you for your time