Is it possible to use the DXF2EMT converter to create NBR 5444 standard symbols?


(7 replies, posted in Elements)

Is there any repository here where I can get the manual of QElectroTech and maybe some unifilar diagrams already done as example?


(7 replies, posted in Elements)

I reloaded the collections and it seems that now all of them are appearing


(7 replies, posted in Elements)

Strange because inside the folder C:\Program Files\QElectroTech\elements\10_electric\10_allpole there are more than 15 subdirectories


(7 replies, posted in Elements)

It only appears to me the following menus.
It seems there are not all libraries available


(7 replies, posted in Elements)

Multifilaire Collection is not appearing to me. Is there guidance to download as many library as possible to be used for residencial projects (unifilaire, Multifilaire).