Whow, thank you.

I didn't see that - sorry.

Thank you very much.

Maybe I use it wrong. And I've looked through old topics, but found nothing corresponding my problem.
And, the program is a huge help for me - it works fantastic. So let me say "thank you" at this point!
Please see this only as suggestion.

I have some connection path (I don't know how to name it correct, in german I would say "Abgang") on, let's say folio 3.

I want to move the whole connection path to folio 2.

-> select, STRG-X on folio3, STRG-V on newfolio.

It works in principle but on new folio, I loose some information like
- labels
- annotation
Other informations remain, like
- Function
- Auxiliary block 1&2
- Plant
- ..... maybe some more - I didn't try all

When I copy this, of course "Label" has to be set new (no same name possible), but maybe all other information fields can stay?

But when moving, keeping all information (including LABEL) would be good.

Or did I use it in a wrong way?

Thank you, Andi

using on Linux Mint 20.2 Cinnamon

Good Morning!

I've just tried

They do not start at all on my system.

did start, but with the described crash. (all other program functions worked perfect nomicons/wink

As an linuxuser with limited expirience I tried to solve the problem on my site to start the newest build. Maybe for other, this may be usefull.

Starting on command line:


gave me errors.

./qelectrotech: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.32' not found (required by ./qelectrotech

and some more.

strings /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6 | grep GLIBCXX

showed me


So up to GLIBCXX_3.4.32 was missing.

sudo apt-get install libstdc++6

alone didn't changed anything
So I've done

sudo apt-get install libstdc++6 

AND   -->TAB, showed me some available versions.

I've picked

sudo apt-get install libstdc++6-13-dbg

(the latest one)

And this did the magic for me.

So thank you  scorpio810 for solving the issue so fast!!!!


Thank you!

Linux Mint 20.2 Cinnamon

maybe to be precise.

I double click the text field
I want open the context menue (for advanced editor) with right mouse click to text field -> crash.

I don't know if I should open an issue in mantis bugtracker or just report here.

I've just downloaded

Everything fine.

If I double click on a textobject (to edit the text)
and the do a right click to open the advanced editor
it crashes.

Thanks, Andi

Thank you.

The "Selection properties panel" is great!

But the problem is different.
I do not want to edit a text field, i want to find a label, which is accidentally moved somewhere on the page an has no text in it.
(It can also be a label of a wire)

So for moving the empty label (to find it on page to move it) I have to put text in it, move to new position and delete the text.

So, there is no possibility to highlight all corresponding fields to one particularly element , to show where on page the empty label is? - (I think so)

Thank you.


This great program saves all the data in one XML text file (I guess)?

So I can find in this file let's say terminals.

                    <elementInformation name="label" show="1">-X2:2</elementInformation>
                    <elementInformation name="function" show="0">%p2%tSTANDARD%h%n%b%</elementInformation>
                    <elementInformation name="formula" show="1">-X2:2</elementInformation>

So I can generate a list of terminals with e.g. python. - No problem.

But I can't extract some information of how and which wires are connected, or connected source devices, or target devices.

Can I read somewhere about the underlying data structure?

Thank you.

Hi there!

Sometimes I would like to move a device, e.g. a terminal.
You have to left click and hold on the right spot to move.

But a terminal is a small device, you have only little, tiny spots to click for move. Some other spots, you can start to draw a wire.
And if you have a text label near (overlaying partly the device), you can't reach "moving" spots.
So you have to move the label, then move the device, then move the label back.

Is there a possibility to click through the "layers" of overlaying labels, device, "wirepoints" to reach the right spot/grap.

I don't know how to name it "spot", "grap", "grap area" ....?

In other programs, if you click left to one area, and there are more overlying "things", you can click with right through all possibilities, click left second time if the right "thing" is highlighted, then you can edit, move... this.

Is there such a trick in this program?

Thank you!

Hi there!

Is there a trick to, let's say, highlight all text fields corresponding to on device?

Sometimes the fields are accidentally moved and you can't find them on the sheet, when no text is in.
Ok, I can put text in these fields to show, but e.g. highlighting all connected fields of one device (right click with pressing special key on keyboard) would be easier.

Is there such a funktionality?

Thank you

Ist zwar ein alter thread, bitte verzeiht.

achim wrote:

Hallo Jörg,
Du mußt den Symboltyp ändern. Am besten du ziehst das Symbol aus der QET-Sammlung in die Benutzersammlung.
Mit einem doppelklick auf das Symbol öffnest du das Symbol im Elementeditor, dann Bearbeiten->Bauteileigenschaften
bearbeiten -> Grundtyp von Klemmleiste auf Einzelbauteil ändern->speichern->schließen.

Die Leiter an diesem Symbol können jetzt individuelle Eigenschaften haben.


Hatte das gleiche Problem, aber bei dieser Lösung erscheint dann diese Klemme nicht mehr unter Klemmleisten als csv export.
Damit ist das (für mich) nur bedingt verwendbar.

Gibt es eine andere Lösung, um Potentialnamen (Sammelschiene heißt "AAA", Abgang soll "BBB" heißen, kein Kontakt dazwischen, nur Klemme) auf zu brechen, zu teilen?

Ich habe heute QElectroTech entdeckt und bin soweit begeistert.

Jetzt bin ich jedoch in eine Frage gelaufen.

Ich möchte Klemmen setzen.

Soweit mir bekannt ist die richte Bezeichnung (bsp.)
-X1 O 1

Kann ich diese Bezeichnungsart durchziehen? Oder muss es -X1.1 heißen?
BMK ist ja für die Klemmleiste -X1 (Steht links vom Gerät) und 1 wäre dann die Anschlussbezeichnung und die sollte rechts stehen.

Kann die nächste eingefügte Klemme dann automatisch 2 sein?

Wenn mehrere Klemmen des gleichen Gerätes - sprich gleichen Klemmreihe (z.b. -X1) nebeneinander liegen und kein weiteres Betriebsmittel dazwischen, so kann auf die BMK Bezeichnung beim zeiten Gerät verzichtet werden.
      |          |
-X1 O 1      O 2
      |          |

Findet eine Überprüfung auf doppelt verwendeten Klemmen statt?

Vielleicht gibt's ja Antworten, freu mich,
Danke, Andi