Add some Vaillant hydraulic elements

In small applications it is easy to do action management manually but as applications get bigger, its useful an it saves time to use a proper action management system. The action manager allows actions and shortcuts to be linked with contexts and to change their behavior depending on the active contexts. An command editor widget is provided to allow users to change their application wide shortcut settings, or to export and import previous sessions. … ement.html

and … nager.html

as in QT Creator … tcuts.html

thoughts anyone?

@Joshua and scorpio810
great work, can you also change the next line please?
file qetdiagrameditor.cpp at line 546

m_rotate_texts    ->setShortcut(QKeySequence( tr("Ctrl+Space")));

in to

m_rotate_texts    ->setShortcut(QKeySequence( tr("Ctrl+SPACE")));

it is the last space.

uppercase Space
weird, it works in german (lowercase Space)

For rotate selection (Shortcut is Space)

does not work for language nl be (this has been since 2019)

file qetdiagrameditor.cpp at line 545

m_rotate_selection->setShortcut(QKeySequence( tr("Space")));

test mod Space to Ctrl+R works

Updating 'lang/qet_be.ts'...
    Found 2294 source text(s) (1 new and 2293 already existing)
    Kept 1 obsolete entries

I cannot find the Space key in qt nl be.
does anyone know the key for space?

I have tested "spatie",  "Spatiebalk"

A bug in Qt?

edited :add Screenshot of test with Ctrl+R

Please check the patch file for errors.

Hi, this was my mistake the element library was made with QElectroTech V0.61, and converted with V0.8 with the failed CPU.
(suse provides QElectroTech Version 0.61 standard.)

You could try to upgrade your AMD microcode package

I tried is unsuccessful.

upgrade to latest 5.4.6 vanilla kernel

This will break my virtualbox.
(ps: updating the BIOS works)

Thank you for the support.

Can I adjust the uuid myself in the project?

yes but, the element uuid is in the library and in the project.

AMD shipped Ryzen 3000 with a serious microcode bug in its random number generator.

I am trying to updating the BIOS

the uuid element is always {ffffffff-ffff-4fff-bfff-ffffffffffff} if a new element is created

info: in QT on startup
WARNING: CPU random generator seem to be failing, disable hardware random number generation
WARNING: RDRND generated: 0xffffffff 0xffffffff 0xffffffff 0xffffffff … 0xffffffff

AMD shipped Ryzen 3000 with a serious microcode bug in its random number generator.

openSUSE TW 20191214

Can I adjust the uuid myself in the project?