Good morning.
Yes I did it same manner. First it was labeled 02.05 (with formula %F.%seqt_1). Save and close the app and reopen it. It appears 03.05 (03 current folio number.)
Even when I open your attachment I saw 03.05 not the 02.05. nomicons/sad

My way
1. Draw outgoing arrow- connect with formulated conductor
2. Draw incoming arrow in another folio - link it with outgoing arrow
3. Connect incoming arrow with pins(conductors named 1.step conductor till to reopen)

Yes, when i use sequence number with only "%seqh_1" or "%seqt_1" for conductor, problem doesnt occur.
I am not expert of electirical drawing and my friend advice that "you should reference folio label in your conductor because in a big project it is hard to find the conductor only with sequence number". I think it is reasonable. 

But if you advice "use only sequence number or use manuel label for conductors". It is okey but how can customer can find cable number in a big project(many folios) with printed version(in a lot of A4 papers).

Are there any practices I dont know? I am ready to use it.

With formula "%id/%total" or directly labeling "02" coming arrow conductor always named with their folio name
not the refereced source folio name. (after reopen application)

scorpio810 wrote:

You could try 0.7-rc1, but make a backup off your project before, if you want to return on 0.60 after.

Edit : Use label instead of their ID is already checked in your version.

You need to replace manualhy propertie %id/%total by your number folio.

Ok. I will try now.

Unfortenatly this option doesn't fix the issue.( 0.7-rc1 )
I didnt add summer page. I close the app and reopen it then referenced (coming arrow) line name changes.

It occurs inverse way. When i remove source conductor and reconnect it. Name become referenced cable name 03.04. Reopen app it is become 02.04.

Project is in attachments. 02 and 03 folio you can see.

Edit: Atachment doesnt work
We transfer link:

Thanks for your help.
But I think version doesnt same. Should i upgrade to developement version(0.7)

General conductor name formula %F.%seqt_1  "folio label . index number".
When I use coming arrow from another folio going arrow, conductor names come from going arrow conductor name with formula (%F.%seqt_1). It is ok.
But after reopen project coming arrow conductor names changes to current Folio label(%F) but keeps index number(seqt_1).

Can you help? I cant fix the issue, i dont want to label conductor manually because any folio changes i will have to change all of them.