In the diff file, you are assuming that python 3.5 is intalled and QET is executing on linx. If you want I try to fix, but maybe is easy a menu command that launch the qet_tb_generator if it's installed.

If it's not intalled,  migth appears a msg indicating how to do, and a link to

In next versions of QET, the menu entry remain, but it will launch the internal borne generator instead  of qet_tb_generator.

Ok, I'll try. 

You are using qet_tb_generator 0.50, the last one is 0.53 (on window caption appears). You can update with: sudo pip3 install --upgrade qet_tb_generator

nomicons/wink I'm too, my holidays finished.

Hi, there are new version. Current version is 0.5.3. Fixes save  page number/id in config.

I tested hoy to install / updates on fresh Windows 7 and Lubuntu 16.04. To run the program in boths systems type "qet_tb_generator" at command line.

Requires python 3.5 or above.

>> First install on Linux
1. check you have pip3 installed: pip3 --version.
   If not install with: sudo apt-get install python3-pip
2. Install the program: sudo pip3 install qet_tb_generator
3. Run the program: qet_tb_generator

>> Update on Linux
sudo pip3 install --upgrade qet_tb_generator

>> First install on Windows
1. Install, if required, python 3.5 or above
2. pip install qet_generator

>> Update on Windows
python -m pip install --upgrade qet_tb_generator

scorpio810, I you test and work for you like me, you can consider to add an entry menu to launch this script. 

The menu entry migth only appears if "qet_tb_generator" is installed. To check that could be interesting that my script answers something like:
    qet_tb_generator -v
If exists an answer, you can show the menu entry to launch the script. If you need some change say me.

I think the installation path is the same that for the rest of python installation (under python scripts directory).

I tried on a windows clean installation and recognizes the 'qet_tb_generator' command.

Today I'll try on a clean linux installation

now the program is easy to install, at the command line execute: pip install qet_tb_generator
to excute write the command: qet_tb_generator

Under linux uses pip3 instead.

This installation method should resolve all dependencies (i.e. pyqt5)

Py2exe: It's 6 years ago. no works  with python 3.5.
cx_freeze: only supports python 3.4  :-(

Now i'm testing one option directly from pyqt: … ction.html

galexis wrote:

I have a problem, I can't run it on linuxmint 18.

alexis@alexis-SATELLITE-L70-C-14E ~ $ python3 ./Bureau/
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./Bureau/", line 12, in <module>
    from frmMain_ui import Ui_frmMain
  File "/home/alexis/Bureau/", line 9, in <module>
    from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets
ImportError: No module named 'PyQt5'

I have install : python-pyqt5 5.5.1 and python3-pip 8.1.1

Try installing pyqt5-dev-tools. 
I didn't install any more packages. My primary os is xubuntu and I tried on a virtual machine with Lubuntu.

I'll continue trying to create a portable version for all os.

I tried to make an exe file bacause will be a portable file and no need to install python,.. in windows.

Differents options fails for me, but 'pyinstaller' finally creates the exe file, but launched and error when I ran it.

Can you test this?

Ok, I'm so happy. As we go testing I'll fix all the bugs. nomicons/grin

Fow now, I saw on your video that the first tab showed is "Config". Maybe is better to show the tab "terminal block".

scorpio810 wrote:

Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "", line 12, in <module>
   from frmMain_ui import Ui_frmMain
ImportError: No module named 'frmMain_ui'

Sorry, i forgot to upload the file nomicons/blush

Hi, I'll test your 2 proposals.

I introduce the Grafical version of Terminal Blocks maker. I tried to make an installer for all platforms, but either pyinstaller or cx_freeze fails for me.

Please, check the program for bugs and test how to make a installable version.

By now, installing on linux pyqy5 will be enough ( sudo apt-get install python3-pyqt5 ).

To run the program: python3 


I use excel. I fill by hand (but always is copy and paste from another project) and later a simple formula change to a html table.

Later copy and paste to QET.

Hi, in the following days will be available a new grafical version of the app. I rewrited to a object oriented  model and will be easy to translate to C++. It uses Qt5 and looks like the image. 

The app works well, but now in the tab "terminal block" I want to show a list of the QET recent projects, so will be easy to choose a project and generate its terminal blocks.

I will use the QSettings class of Qt5 to get the list, but I have a question, where are saved the config files?


I downloaded the source code and compiled successfully.
Before integrate the script, i need to retype the script in c++.


Thanks a lot.  
Now I'm testing Qt. My first practice will be upgrade this script to use Qt. I'll do a simple screen with two tabs. One tab for config paths if the defaults not work, and the other tab will be a list of the same recent projects that Qet. 

it wll be easy to use, elegant and no requires extra instalations because it will use same libraries as Qet.

Hi, version 0,4 is available.
Now  terminals names like LETTER + NUMBER, will be sorted as U1, V1, W1 y U2,V2,W2 instead of U1,U2,V1,V2, W1,W2. It makes automatically.

any ideas to solve this issue?

One solution is explained at next image.

The other option is to do automatically. Every terminal will sort by:
      First: Only letters: GND, R, S, T,...
      Second: Letters + Number : +1, -0, R1, U1, V1, GND1, ...
      Third: Only Numbers: 1, 3, 7, 33,...

    Inside first group , terminals are sorted alphabetically
    Inside second group, terminals are sorted by the numeric part, and every numeric group by letter alphabetically (GND1,U1,V1,W1)
    Inside third group, terminals are sorted numerically.

I think the second option will be better.

Perfect !!nomicons/smile

Thank you, now work fine.

you're welcome.

Hi again  :-)

Available version 0.35:
   * Now draws reservation teminals in the numeric part. The first placed terminals are not numeric ('-0','R','+1',..) and later the numeric ('1', '3',...). In this last numeric part, the program creates reserve for terminals that are not used.

   * Fixed drawing artifacts while dragging. With hotspot_x=0 and y=0 works, but I leave the same has QET calcs when save from elements editor. The problem was the calc of total size. Now I round to the next tenth and works fine.

Please, check for bugs.

scoprio810, please explain me what are:
* hotspot_x: ??
* hotspot_y: ??
* width: (is the total width?)
* height: (is the total height?)

I saw the video and the second terminal block didn't cause artifacts. But I don't know why.  I'll do the same steps that you and then I'll compare the original XML  and the XML with hotspot recalculate.
I'll see the differences and I'll try to fix.

Hi again,
Version 0.3 is avaibable. The changes are:

* I made a fusion between Galexis and my point of view. I implemented a GUI choose for QET project but remembering the last path for a quickly selection. I tried and no extra python modules are required from the defaults.

* If you use a portable instalation, you can define the path in the QET_COLLECTION_PATH variable and this value was the default value, so pressing Enter will be enough.

* Now can chose XRef folio type: By ID (folio number) or by folio Name

When I said to run with python3, I meant to solve the problem of my script, no the problem with tkinter.

This script is not mine, is for the community.

I only said my point of view about a GUI version; maybe is less dependency of packages the console version. I made history of projects to make it more usable. We can try some days, and if we considerer is bether a GUI version, no problem, I'll do.

[font=Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Are you able to load label of folio and not id of folio?[/font]

[font=Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif] Yes i'll do, but nowadays I don't have a lot of time. Next week I'll make and fix new problems that you report. [/font]

[font=Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif] Thanks. [/font]