As far as I know, there is no way to add two labels on one conductor, you can manually write a label though..
26 2023-03-07 10:31:05
Re: Conductor Labels (5 replies, posted in FR : Aide, suggestions, discussions, ...)
27 2023-03-06 16:56:51
Re: Numerotation de borne et Plugin terminal block generator v1.3.1 (3 replies, posted in Terminal block generator)
Tu peux toujours continuer à la main.... mais bon, vue que tu utilises le plugin je pense que tu dois avoir un sacré paquet de bornier à faire !
28 2023-03-03 17:10:58
Topic: Sharing elements (1 replies, posted in EN : Help, suggestions, discussions, ...)
Hi everybody
I recently came across QET, one of my teacher recommended me to use it for my ongoing project.
I love being able to do my own symbols, the only downside is that if you are in a hurry, you need to put a considerable amount of time to make your symbol.
I am currently working on a particular project and I decided that I would share all the symbols i've made that aren't available in the library. However, I have no clue whether my symbols are even worthy of being shared, am I even doing them right ?
I saw Bernard Andre's post about standardizing the size of siemens plc's symbols, I think there should be a manual or some kind of guide to people who want to share symbols so that everybody is on the same track.
I'm still a novice, I am also working on autocad and I plan to draw and import all the stuff I make so that the library of symbol gets larger.
One last thing, I love QET very much, it's a project that I respect alot and I will be forever grateful for every contributors, devs and my teacher. Believe it or not, QET pretty much saved me from getting my project done !!
29 2023-03-03 16:52:24
Topic: VS 2000 Exi (0 replies, posted in Elements)
Hello again,
I just made the VS 2000 Exi SR 2301 control monitor (electrical cabinet view)
It's highly detailed with colors..
Please let me know if I have made any mistakes.
30 2023-03-02 16:30:39
Topic: SM21 50761 (0 replies, posted in Elements)
Network insulation monitor made by myself.
31 2023-03-02 16:00:47
Topic: RE8 TA31BU (0 replies, posted in Elements)
On delay timer relay made by myself again.
Hope it's to everyone standards, it's not too complicated to edit it anyway.
You're all welcome
32 2023-03-02 14:25:32
Re: different names for conducters linked (5 replies, posted in EN : Help, suggestions, discussions, ...)
bat wrote:VJ wrote:Hello, first, thanks a lot for this awesome software.
When I conect 2 elements in the same point (in another element) all the cables recieve automatically the same label. Is there a way for us to personalize each label while maintain them as diferent conducteurs in the conducteurs list?
As far as I know you can't do that on the software, I might be wrong tho..
Anyway, it's a bit silly to do that isn't it? that would mean the same conductor has two different potentials ? unless you want to change their labels for cosmetic purposes.I have to follow a rule here: conducteur's name is formed by the element it's going to connect, so when I have two different elements that comes from the same point...
It's not possible to do that mate however, you can manually add your conductor labels in your dedicated list. You can pretty much do everything you want as long as you respect how the software is build.
If i understand correctly, you want to change a label that has the same potential, if so, you just can't. If you want to bypass that, you can just add any label on your conductor and manually write the label using the writing tool on your hotbar.
33 2023-03-02 09:52:20
Re: different names for conducters linked (5 replies, posted in EN : Help, suggestions, discussions, ...)
Hello, first, thanks a lot for this awesome software.
When I conect 2 elements in the same point (in another element) all the cables recieve automatically the same label. Is there a way for us to personalize each label while maintain them as diferent conducteurs in the conducteurs list?
As far as I know you can't do that on the software, I might be wrong tho..
Anyway, it's a bit silly to do that isn't it? that would mean the same conductor has two different potentials ? unless you want to change their labels for cosmetic purposes.
34 2023-03-01 17:05:36
Topic: ABL8RPS24200 (0 replies, posted in Elements)
ABL8RPS24200 Power supply.
I made it large on purpose for my own needs but it may need to be resized, if need be of course.
35 2023-03-01 17:01:24
Topic: EWTM101 EliWell (0 replies, posted in Elements)
I'm back again with another symbol.
It's an electronic thermostat.
You're welcome
36 2023-03-01 16:58:03
Topic: 798506-120 VEEDERROOT (0 replies, posted in Elements)
How's it going y'all,
I'm posting a veeder root counter that I had to make.
Granted, it's not fully detailed however I tried to make it look as real.
Feel free to use it!
37 2023-03-01 09:58:11
Topic: JUMO dTRON 304 (0 replies, posted in Elements)
I have recently made the JUMO dTRON temperature controller as it's not available in the symbol library.
I'm sharing the electrical cabinet view symbol, feel free to use it if you guys need it.
I couldn't figure out how to make that default screen on the component, so I didn't put anything on the screen..
38 2023-02-09 14:37:04
Re: changing of the configiration of Qelectrotech in a previous project (1 replies, posted in EN : Help, suggestions, discussions, ...)
I started to use this software, but when I set the configuration I forgot to cross "show one text for each wire in the page". at the beginning of the project it seemd not a problem, but now i need to correct it. I crossed the option, but also in new sheets numbering did not change.Is there any way to fix this problem? thank you
I'm not sure what you mean exactly, can you show me a screenshot ? I'm willing to help
39 2023-02-03 14:49:13
Re: Problème avec le sommaire (2 replies, posted in FR : Aide, suggestions, discussions, ...)
Position du folio serait préférable.
Super, merci
40 2023-02-03 11:40:01
Topic: Problème avec le sommaire (2 replies, posted in FR : Aide, suggestions, discussions, ...)
Le sommaire me joue des tours.. Quand j'ajoute un dixième folio, il me le met automatiquement au sommet du tableau.
J'ai tenté de l'effacer et le l'inserer avec le dixième folio mais rien. Quand j'en rajoute plus, c'est pareil, ils démarent toujours au sommet..
Voilà si vous savez comment je peux régler mon problème, j'apprécirais !
41 2023-02-02 10:57:28
Topic: SR3 XT101BD (0 replies, posted in Elements)
Hey lads
I've made the extension module for the zelio sr3 b261bd. Not sure if it's 100% to everybody's standards but i'll share it with the community.
If you can't be arsed to make it, use mine!
42 2023-01-30 12:58:22
Re: Old symbols (3 replies, posted in EN : Help, suggestions, discussions, ...)
created quick from a picture
God damn, thank you so much man, i absolutely need to learn how to make symbols as clean as yours haha
I really appreciate it !!
43 2023-01-26 15:21:55
Topic: Old symbols (3 replies, posted in EN : Help, suggestions, discussions, ...)
I am currently working on bringing back to live documents from a test bed where I am currently in apprenticeship.
Most of the documentation is out of date and we are unable to edit it as we please. My task is to print a modified version that is free to access.
My issue is that the electrical enclosure uses an old siemens simatic S-5 90U (6ES5090-8MA01) with it's power unit and two relay outputs. I have searched the symbols in a few softwares to no avail.
I'm asking the community if anybody has made the symbols and are willing to share them with me.
Thank you!