Topic: More colors when creating a new part

Hello alltogether,

i was wondering if / how it is possible to have more colors to choose from when creating a new part.
Unfortunately you only have 13 colors to choose from when creating e.g. a rectangle but when creating a dynamical text you can choose from all colors (see attached screenshots).

I also tried editing the *.elmt directly, but changing filling:cyan

<rect width="425" style="line-style:normal;line-weight:thin;filling:cyan;color:black" x="0" antialias="false" y="-145" height="145"/>

to a html-value like #2A6BB8 did not work. It would be great if all types of objects would have a syntax like the dynamical text and you could change colors with html-values in the source or even via the gui.

Any idea how to achieve it to use more colors in objects like rectangles?

Thank you in advance!

Post's attachments

Attachment icon colors.png 170.31 kb, 133 downloads since 2018-06-15 

Re: More colors when creating a new part

Hi, you can't !
element editor old code is based on static color, initially it was not expected other colors than black and white....

A user tried to add that but I think he gave up ... we are waiting for his patch.. … 7504#p7504 

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