1 (edited by greg_sh 2018-06-12 10:54:37)

Topic: language change in win portable version 06 does not work


"readytouse" version 06  does not change interface language from default although settings are applied and saved.
OS win7-64

the same story with portable versions 05 and 07


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2018-06-12_12h40_31.png, 83.56 kb, 869 x 814
2018-06-12_12h40_31.png 83.56 kb, 325 downloads since 2018-06-12 

Re: language change in win portable version 06 does not work


you need to quit and launch again QET to apply change.

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

3 (edited by greg_sh 2018-06-12 13:18:34)

Re: language change in win portable version 06 does not work

yes, of course.
it does not help.
initially language field is blank, after restart you can see some value, but actually language is not applied.

Re: language change in win portable version 06 does not work

How do you launch QET?

with bin\qelectrotech.exe, if yes, this is not the good way, you must lauch QET with Lancer QET.bat

Développeur QElectroTech

Re: language change in win portable version 06 does not work

Joshua wrote:

How do you launch QET?

with bin\qelectrotech.exe, if yes, this is not the good way, you must lauch QET with Lancer QET.bat

thanks (confused), using bat file helped...