1 (edited by EdgarRr 2018-01-09 04:29:57)

Topic: Monoline wire symbology

Hi everyone, i was testing wire functions on a basic electrical house installation diagram and i saw monoline representation seems that do not shows a organized symbols.

I attached a screenshot of the issue.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 1_test001.svg 302.1 kb, 523 downloads since 2018-01-09 

Re: Monoline wire symbology

Hi Edgar,

what you use "single line" conductor in this diagram, when you draw schematic in "multiline" !

See example here : https://download.qelectrotech.org/qet/s … dg_qet.pdf

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Re: Monoline wire symbology

I know both ways are right, single line makes diagram more explicit about just live line have switchs and not line + neutral.