Topic: List element (or conductor) order

In the Automatic Numbering menu , is possible to order the elements (or conductors) in aphabetic order?

Re: List element (or conductor) order

I don't understand, you want aphabetic A-Z increment in auto numbering rules?

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3 (edited by orlandocos 2017-04-28 03:21:44)

Re: List element (or conductor) order

scorpio810 wrote:

I don't understand, you want aphabetic A-Z increment in auto numbering rules?

I have created a list of automatic numbering rules for the elements, the software show them in a listbox on the left of screen (QElectroTech V 0.60-RC1), this list of the elements numbering rules is in random ordering. If We have a long list of names i.e. for coils, terminal board, transformers etc... not is easy to found the desidered name.

Re: List element (or conductor) order