Topic: Optocoupler

Has anyone created an Opto-Coupler Element?
Preferable left handed and right handed.
I am really struggling to use Element Creation !

Re: Optocoupler

hello Robert,

you only have to use the search field of the collections panel and type "opto".

What are your problems by creating elements?

Post's attachments

optocoupler.png, 13.22 kb, 317 x 207
optocoupler.png 13.22 kb, 570 downloads since 2016-09-30 

Re: Optocoupler

look at the attached file, this an optocoupler I've created for my own projects.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon optocoupler.elmt 4.48 kb, 657 downloads since 2016-09-30 

Re: Optocoupler

The issues I had creating an element were two things;
First the 'zoom' function on my iMac was driving me crazy.
Second I was always missing a text called 'tagg'
I gave up in the finish and moved to a PC

I found the Opto-Coupler, its perfect, but its read-only and I need a 'mirror' of it (with the led to the right of the transistor)

Re: Optocoupler

First the 'zoom' function on my iMac was driving me crazy.

mmm... no idea, I have no mac, I'm on Ubuntu.

Second I was always missing a text called 'tagg'

could you post a screenshot of the dialog?
(in this forum, in order to post an image, you have first to write and post your message, then click on "modify" so that the buttons to upload images appear).

I gave up in the finish and moved to a PC

with Windos or with Linux?

I found the Opto-Coupler, its perfect, but its read-only

DO NOT paste the elmt file I gave you in the QET collection. This collection is marked as read-only because this is the official librairy of QElectroTech.

To edit the elmt file, do the following:

On Windows, open with the windows explorer this path:
[drive]:\Users\[username]\Application Data\qet\elements
Of course, you have to replace [drive] and [username] by the values used
in your system.
paste the elmt file there or in a sub directory you created.

On Linux, open with the file manager this path:
paste the elmt file there or in a sub directory you created.

Then start QElectroTech, go to the "collections" panel and open the "User collection".
Double-click the optocoupler to edit it. That's it!

Tip: if you want to have the whole QET collection with read access, copy with your file manager the whole collection into the root folder of the user collection.

Post's attachments

roberts_optocoupler.png, 19.1 kb, 371 x 284
roberts_optocoupler.png 19.1 kb, 564 downloads since 2016-10-03 

Re: Optocoupler

I need a 'mirror' of it (with the led to the right of the transistor)

you have to create it by yourself. The element editor of QET is really easy to use.
When you are finished with it, you can upload your elmt file in the elements repository so that it is integrated in the official QET collection (in a future release).

Re: Optocoupler

nuri wrote:

Tip: if you want to have the whole QET collection with read access, copy with your file manager the whole collection into the root folder of the user collection.

But, just need drag and drop all official collection folders into your User collection directly.

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."Questions regarding QET belong in this forum and will NOT be answered via PM! – Les questions concernant QET doivent être posées sur ce forum et ne seront pas traitées par MP !

Re: Optocoupler

robert.squires wrote:

Second I was always missing a text called 'tagg'

You mean this message when trying to save your element?

Post's attachments

Screenshot_20161004_222726.png, 21.83 kb, 465 x 179
Screenshot_20161004_222726.png 21.83 kb, 529 downloads since 2016-10-04 

9 (edited by Morganol 2016-10-04 22:33:04)

Re: Optocoupler

Then add a textfield, select it, and in the information panel select the tag "label" like so:

Post's attachments

Screenshot_20161004_223103.png, 23.11 kb, 525 x 344
Screenshot_20161004_223103.png 23.11 kb, 537 downloads since 2016-10-04 

10 (edited by NealXu 2021-12-01 22:14:40)

Re: Optocoupler per my knowledge Selection is more about V ratings and speed than for CTR or current ratings.  Though if you have weak sources, you may want to save a few mA and shop for something with a higher CTR, perhaps even a darlington type. Expect low CTR for faster devices, for a number of reasons.