Topic: remap User Collections directory

I have unsuccessfully tried to map my User Collections directory on MAC and Windows to my Google Drive directory locally, using alias on MAC and shortcut on Windows.  I would like to do this so that I can add new elements to the directory once from one machine and have it populate on any of the machines I use the program from so the new elements will already be available on each machine.

I guess at worse case, since the Google Drives automatically sync, I could write a script to startup the program after having first copied the Google QElectroTech directory (qet or what ever it is named on the specific machine) to the default User Collections directory every time.

It would be a nice feature if the User Collections directory could be chosen during install ;-)

Thanks for a great program, I will soon have an updated Guitar elements collection to replace the current one, lots of new elements.


PS: I made my donation as promised ;-)

Re: remap User Collections directory

Hello appwolf,

QET can't access directly to network, you do mount network drive locally and change execute option: … config-dir

the idea is to mount your google drive in a virtual drive in Windows like this: … n-windows/ … on-the-mac

A French user explain with the  ReadyToUse version how is sync common collection in server for all Windows machines : … 3038#p3038

Thank a lot for your donation. ;-)

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

Re: remap User Collections directory

I may have misused terminology mapping inadvertently.  I'll use a simpler use case here. 

I have a directory on my windows machine and I want it to be where my elements User Collection stores its files.  I have tried to make a shortcut called elements that points to a copy of the qet\elements directory and put it in the  C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\qet to replace the default elements directory which I renamed.  

Then running QElectroTech recreates a new elements directory and I end up with a new empty elements directory and a shortcut named elements. And the program shows an empty User Collections.  I can easily get my collection back by deleting the new elements directory and rename the original directory back to elements.  So it appears that it is not using a text path but maybe something similar to Google Drive sync which uses the inodes which is why you can move a Dropbox folder to a new machine but not a Google Drive folder nomicons/wink .

On the Windows machine and the MAC I am using Google's Drive application which actually copies Drive's files locally and keeps them in sync when there are any changes.  Its not actually a networked mapping.

Maybe what I want to do can't be done in this program and I would have to make a script that copies those files to the qet\elements directory then runs the program.  And I would need to make an exit script which writes new elements to the other directory at the close of the program.



Re: remap User Collections directory

You need have ReadyToUse version for that. 

Extract it to C:/ or USB key, after move or copy conf folder in ReadyToUse to your folder sync to Google's Drive application.
Edit "lancer QET.bat" file, and change command --config-dir= to location folder sync:
Example : C:/Drive/ is your folder sync to your Google's Drive application.
--config-dir=C:/Drive/conf/ %*

Run Qet by click on lancer QET.bat!

I don't use Google's Drive, but in latest link i send you, all guys use a program to connect a virtual drive for use locally


"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

Re: remap User Collections directory

appwolf wrote:

Thanks for a great program, I will soon have an updated Guitar elements collection to replace the current one, lots of new elements.

i just uploaded your elements in common collection.
Send me your updated Guitar elements to sync to common collection.

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."