Topic: copying elements

when i copy elements from page to page inside a project it is fine, however when having two projects open copy works, but i see a rectangle around each element and a ? inside.

paul deelen

Re: copying elements

Use this workaround.

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

Re: copying elements

workaround is fine, meaning i copy the elements from the libproject to all new projects, then i can copy components like complete switchassemblies to my workingproject.
i can even copy complete collections into the imported elements, this way a change in the drawings is possible without versionchange

paul deelen

Re: copying elements

i knew there was a snag on this one,
indeed copying inside qet is fine, however the links to master and slave are gone and other things are not copied so loosing this info. this is due to version and needs repair

paul deelen

Re: copying elements

If you look at the xml structure of a project file you see there that each element of the basic collection is add in to a local collection, and that the information needed for your schema is add in the diagram section
the on on your schema a element is linked to the local project collection, and the options are added into the element in the diagram section

so if you take a copy of an element of your project panel, you take a copy of the element from the project colletion

if you put all schematic info into your diagram element, then you can change your element collection whitout loosing your schematic information

this is also the way i ask the posibility to have a checkbox on the inserted properties, so that you can deside on the schematic if there is need  to have that element to be master or slave.

see also the file , it is a summery of xml codes i found on one of my created *.qet files

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Qet project xml layout.xml 1.61 kb, 324 downloads since 2014-05-10 

Re: copying elements

update file

this may not have alle information that is posible,
it is a summery of items i found into my *.qet file
