Topic: How to automatically number power cables in the "L1-1" format?

Hi everyone,
I'm working on a project in QElectroTech, and I need the power cables to be automatically numbered in the following format:

"L1-1", "L1-2", "L2-1", "L3-3", etc.
L indicates that it is a power line cable.
1, 2, 3 corresponds to the phase (L1, L2, L3).
The last number is the segment identifier.

How can I configure QElectroTech to automatically number cables in this format? Is it possible to define variables for the phases, or do I have to assign them manually?

I really appreciate any help. Thanks in advance!

Best regards.


Re: How to automatically number power cables in the "L1-1" format?

I think you want to make labeling the cables on your project auto numbering:

Click in Configure on the folio (page) properties section>auto numbering>conductor tab
Another way is Project properties>auto numbering>conductor tab

  • Name of the new numbering starting by L1 name (ex: configure one by one for each L1, L2 and L3 name)

  • Select type text and fill to "L1-" value

  • After this, click add (+) above value label

  • select number and fill to "1" value (here is the auto increment)

  • Click Apply and ok button ad return to folio

  • Go to properties section>select your desired conductor name

  • Test your wire connection with your elements

Tip: Keep in mind that the auto numbering is a sequence, if want to restart i do recommend to fill 1 value or another to new sequence on the properties of conductors again.
I hope helps You!