1 (edited by eleito 2014-04-05 03:34:20)

Topic: Traduire en "portugais au Brésil"

Je suis nouveau ici et je voudrais savoir si je peux aider à traduire le programme pour la "portugais au Brésil". Je ne sais rien de la programmation, mais je crois que je pouvez contribuer.

Bises à tous.


J'utilise "Google Translator" d'écrire ce message.

I'm new here and would like to know if I can help to translate the program to the "Portuguese Brazil". I know nothing of programming, but I believe that i can contribute.

Hugs to all.

I'm using "Google Translator" to write this message.


Re: Traduire en "portugais au Brésil"

Hi  and welcome Marcelo,

Is there a big difference between Portuguese and brazilian ?
Btw,  for example you can see Portuguese translation make by Jose Carlos in attached file.
Just open with Qt linguist (for see attached source code in Qt linguist you do download latest subversion revision in repository).


If you want to contribute, a good way is know a little subversion, and subscribe to Tuxfamily to join QElectroTech project, after i can add your account to Qet subversion.
(this is to work in standalone mode)

Post's attachments

Attachment icon qet_pt.ts 317.9 kb, 389 downloads since 2014-04-05 

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