Why don't you just download the binary from github-page and use that?
In that case you do not have to compile it yourself...
https://github.com/raulroda/qet_tb_gene … aster/dist
With a recent 0100-dev - version of QET you find something like this in the log-file
"menu" -> "Help" -> "About QElectroTech" -> tab "Log"
12:35:21.187 Info: For data-files (user-/company-collections, titleblocks, etc.):
12:35:21.187 Info: App Data Location: "C:/Tools/qelectrotech/conf"
Use your favorite file-browser to create the subdir "binary" in "App Data Location" and place binary "qet_tb_generator.exe" there.
Then you can use the plugin from QET-Project-Menu.
When starting the plugin, something like this is written to log-file:
12:36:54.665 Info: project to use for qet_tb_generator: "C:/Users/ich/Documents/ohne Namen.qet"
12:36:54.665 Info: qet_tb_generator found here: "C:/Tools/qelectrotech/conf/binary/qet_tb_generator.exe"
Prerequisites for the plugin:
A saved project must be loaded. That project contains terminals that are named according to the scheme “X1:1, X1:2, etc” and are also connected somewhere.
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