Topic: Need Advice on Implementing Custom Symbols in QElectrotech

Hello there,

I am reaching out to seek your expertise on a specific issue I have encountered while working with QElectrotech. As I delve deeper into my project; I have realized the need to implement custom symbols that are not available in the standard library.

I am working on a detailed electrical diagram for a complex industrial control system; and the default symbols in QElectrotech don’t fully meet the needs of my design. Specifically; I need to create and incorporate custom symbols that are tailored to certain components and configurations used in this system.

I have done some preliminary research and found that QElectrotech supports custom symbols, but I am unclear on the best approach to take for creating and integrating these symbols. I have a few specific questions:

What are the recommended steps for creating custom symbols in QElectrotech? I would appreciate a high-level overview or any links to detailed tutorials or documentation.

Are there best practices or common pitfalls I should be aware of when designing and importing these symbols? Understanding any potential issues in advance would be very helpful.

How can I ensure that these custom symbols are properly integrated into my existing diagrams and maintain consistency across different projects?

Also, I have gone through this post; which definitely helped me out  a lot.

I am keen to ensure that my diagrams are accurate and professionally presented, and I believe that incorporating these custom symbols is crucial for achieving that goal.

Thank you in advance for your assistance and help.

Re: Need Advice on Implementing Custom Symbols in QElectrotech

hello maybe see

or very old video:

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."