Topic: Y connection to terminal

First of all, I would like to sincerely congratulate you on the great work you have done.
I am just getting familiar with the software.

Is there a way to indicate connection of two wires to one terminal? It is a common practice, and indicating it in the drawing helps a lot in the field.

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tb.png, 4.13 kb, 224 x 238
tb.png 4.13 kb, 16 downloads since 2024-07-17 

Re: Y connection to terminal

It al depends on the use case:
if it is for a connection from the electrical cabinet thru a terminal conection towards an element in the field, we forbid the use of 2 wires, here it has to be done with 2 terminals with a bridge in between
if it is internal in the cabinet we leave it to the intelligence of the cabinet builder to know he has to use a twin cord endshoe

Always using the latest development version

Re: Y connection to terminal

In our case if we have let's say 5 relays with their A1 terminal connected to -120V, then it is made in the way, that one of A1 is connected to -120V, the others are linked from that A1 with twin wire shoes. This is to be indicated in the drawing, moreover, we have to export the wire list, which indicates the start and end of each and every wires, and also we print the wire labels to be attached each wire end.
If Y connection on the drawing is not supported, then we cannot specify it. The 100 cabinets produced will have different wirings according to which is made by which person. Electrically they will be the same, but wiring is different, which is not accepted in our case.

4 (edited by LievenC 2024-07-18 10:40:50)

Re: Y connection to terminal

then a solution could be to use a splice element
in the installation files there is only one  (1) but I extended according needs to some more
you can find them in the sample plan

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Attachment icon Yconnection.qet 119.39 kb, 24 downloads since 2024-07-18 

Always using the latest development version

Re: Y connection to terminal

Thank you, in this way at least a visual indication of the wiring is possible.