Topic: Rule Engine for compliance ?


Did anyone ever thought of adding a Rule Engine to QElectroTech to check for a diagram compliance toward a standard (rule corpus) ?

Most electrical diagrams you design need some level of compliance toward a standard or a good practice : maximum number of items, sequence of items, wiring ...

As an example, say you are in France and designing electricity wiring of a house, the applicable rule corpus is NF C 15-100.

Once for all, a file describing those Rules applicable will be written and made available on a public repository once for all (or even bundled in the tool) and only updated when the standard updates.

You would just pick "NF C 15-100" in the list of proposed known rule corpus and ask for compliance check.
The rules labels of that corpus would be displayed and the result of rule checking either green (rule passed) or red (rule non passed).

If a rule do not pass, going to the rule description you would get an explanation of what the rule is checking.

There are different kind of rule engine already like Drools or GoRules, they offer rule engine as well as a rule editor GUI. They might be a good start ...

Any thoughts ? 

Re: Rule Engine for compliance ?

Please read edited part (second half) from here: … 897#p19897

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