Topic: Location of qet_labels.xml

The file qet_labels.xml is per default in the directory c:\Program Files\QElectroTech\elements\10_electric\ (Windows) and is the precondition to label all of the elements of a library. when the is file is missing in this path the labeling fails (is without a label of the device.

Can i refer the file to an other location, for example to the common path of the user-library?

The reason is i want to have a common labeling file "qet_labels.xml" for all of my users/employees. Then the file is on the client of the employee i have to she the file with him. When the file is on an commen share like the comapny library or an shared library all of the isers have the same librariy.

And in my opinion the best way is then elements of the library use their own qet_labels from there own library.