1 (edited by sloth1089 2023-09-19 07:27:13)

Topic: Any way to change font size for folio section headers?

See screenshot on which header I am referring to

I use A4 a lot so the default size looks ridiculously huge!

Post's attachments

Capture.PNG, 7.93 kb, 546 x 279
Capture.PNG 7.93 kb, 54 downloads since 2023-09-19 

Re: Any way to change font size for folio section headers?

I have increased the columns to 20 and rows to 13 and 60x60 pixel
this will decrease the font and at the same time give you more space for shematics

Always using the latest development version

Re: Any way to change font size for folio section headers?

LievenC wrote:

I have increased the columns to 20 and rows to 13 and 60x60 pixel
this will decrease the font and at the same time give you more space for shematics

Thx man. It indeed scales with folio dimension.

The default folio dimension in https://download.qelectrotech.org/qet/m … _size.htmlseems to be scaled to 96dpi for dot matrix printers, too low res for modern eyes.

Now I upped the dimension to at least 200dpi, giving

@6mm border (approx 0.25")

A4 = (C)14x160px (R)11x140px
A3 = (C)23x140px (R)14x160px