1 (edited by ntd 2023-06-06 14:15:53)

Topic: Finalize wire and symbol numbers

Hi all,

I've been beaten hard with this issue a couple of times.

Actually I'm using the autonumbering feature when developing a project for the first time. Really useful, that helps saving a lot of time.

After the first release, the schematic is implemented in real world and (more often than not) some changes creep in. But when adding/removing a page all next wires change their number (this is expected) while the wires in the cabinet are already physically labelled in the old way.

I would like to "finalize" the numbers on demand, i.e. substituting all "formula" fields with their expanded values to avoid future renumbering. Is there something similar already implemented somewhere?

Re: Finalize wire and symbol numbers


see :
https://qelectrotech.org/forum/viewtopi … 152#p16152
https://qelectrotech.org/forum/viewtopi … 198#p17198

scorpio810 wrote:

En effet c'est pourquoi j'ai abandonné l'idée de mettre la variable total dans mon denier projet.
Mais je suis libre d'ajouter et d’insérer autant de folios que je souhaite ...  sans casser et chambouler les XREFs de mes renvois, maîtres/ esclaves qui resterons justes, puisque le projet n'en ai qu'a ces débuts.

A la limite %id/%total  a du sens sur la page de garde (premier folio).

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."