1 (edited by fdofigueroa 2021-08-11 02:17:26)

Topic: Reset all config


i have a problem, when make configs in folio, proyect and another places, and uninstall the program, the configuration over again config my fresh install. I use W10 x64. How to delete a old configuration for a fresh install? I test delete qet folder in user's Aplication Data but don't work. In the portable version have a same problem.

Re: Reset all config

https://qelectrotech.org/forum/viewtopi … 389#p10389

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

Re: Reset all config

Thanks! A sugestion... please put this info in the wiki nomicons/smile

Re: Reset all config

I'm new to QElectroTech having just started using v0.8 on a Mac. After some initial efforts I am also seeking to reset all of the configurations back to their defaults. I have removed the following files/directories, as well as removing and reinstalling the app, however I'm not able to get the default configuration back.

~/Library/Application Support/stalefiles/QElectroTech
~/Library/Saved Application State/org.qelectrotech.savedState

I've also looked at the MacOS defaults and don't seem to find the configuration there. Where else is the configuration stored? Thanks.


Re: Reset all config


Pour Mac OS X :


"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

Re: Reset all config

scorpio810 wrote:


Pour Mac OS X :

Thanks Laurent, however I do not have that file:

fahnoe@luna ~ % ls -l $HOME/Library/Preferences/QElectroTech/QElectroTech.plist
ls: /Users/fahnoe/Library/Preferences/QElectroTech/QElectroTech.plist: No such file or directory
fahnoe@luna ~ % find . -iname QElectroTech.plist 2>/dev/null                   
fahnoe@luna ~ % 

Here is the most recent log if that is of any help

11:35:35.997 Info: Start-up 
11:35:36.044 Info: debugging enabled: false 
11:35:36.046 Info: Qt library version: 5.15.2 
11:35:36.047 Info: Qt library location default prefix: "/Applications/qelectrotech.app/Contents" 
11:35:36.048 Info: Qt library location documentation: "/Applications/qelectrotech.app/Contents/doc" 
11:35:36.049 Info: Qt library location headers: "/Applications/qelectrotech.app/Contents/include" 
11:35:36.050 Info: Qt library location libraries: "/Applications/qelectrotech.app/Contents/lib" 
11:35:36.051 Info: Qt library location executables: "/Applications/qelectrotech.app/Contents/libexec" 
11:35:36.052 Info: Qt library location Qt binaries: "/Applications/qelectrotech.app/Contents/bin" 
11:35:36.053 Info: Qt library location Qt plugins: "/Applications/qelectrotech.app/Contents/PlugIns" 
11:35:36.055 Info: Qt library location installed QML extensions: "/Applications/qelectrotech.app/Contents/Resources/qml" 
11:35:36.055 Info: Qt library location installed QML extensions: "/Applications/qelectrotech.app/Contents/Resources/qml" 
11:35:36.057 Info: Qt library location dependent Qt data: "/Applications/qelectrotech.app/Contents" 
11:35:36.058 Info: Qt library location independent Qt data: "/Applications/qelectrotech.app/Contents" 
11:35:36.060 Info: Qt library location translation: "/Applications/qelectrotech.app/Contents/translations" 
11:35:36.060 Info: Qt library location examples: "/Applications/qelectrotech.app/Contents/examples" 
11:35:36.062 Info: Qt library location Qt testcases: "/Applications/qelectrotech.app/Contents/tests" 
11:35:36.062 Info: Qt library location Qt settings: "/Applications/qelectrotech.app/Contents" 
11:35:36.064 Info: "GitRevision da56ff6df47c6067029a9c2e4256cd84854dc6f1" 
11:35:36.064 Info: "QElectroTech V 0.80" 
11:35:36.066 Info: "Compilation: CLANG 11.0.3 (clang-1103.0.32.29)" 
11:35:36.066 Info: "Built with Qt 5.15.2 - Date : Feb 21 2021 : 10:35:00" 
11:35:36.068 Info: "Run with Qt 5.15.2 using 8 thread(s)" 
11:35:36.069 Info: "CPU : Apple M1\n" 
11:35:36.071 Info: "RAM Total : 16384 MB" 
11:35:36.071 Info: "" 
11:35:36.073 Info: "GPU : " 
11:35:36.074 Info: "GPU RAM : " 
11:35:36.076 Info: "OS : darwin  - x86_64 - Version : macOS 10.16 - Kernel : 20.6.0" 
11:35:36.077 Info: *** Qt screens *** 
11:35:36.079 Info: "( 1 : 2880 x 1800 )" 
11:35:36.206 Info: Elements collection reload 
11:35:38.706 Info: Elements collection finished to be loaded 

7 (edited by Larry_Fahnoe 2022-10-09 19:39:44)

Re: Reset all config

After a little more tinkering I've found the problem. Simply deleting the preferences plist file (which appears to be $HOME/Library/Preferences/org.qelectrotech.QElectroTech.plist) was not sufficient because MacOS Big Sur appears to cache the information. To fully get back to the original configuration, I did the following:

rm -rf ~/.qet; find ~/Library -iname \*qelectro\* -exec rm -rf '{}' ';' 2>/dev/null

and then rebooted. Seems a little crazy, but now I have the original configuration. Given Laurent's response I would imagine that simply deleting the plist file and then rebooting would have been sufficient.

Here are the files I see after I opened QElectroTech once:

fahnoe@luna ~ % ls -la ~/.qet; find ~/Library -iname \*qelectro\* 2>/dev/null                     
total 48
drwxr-xr-x    6 fahnoe  staff    192 Oct  9 12:21 .
drwxr-xr-x@ 101 fahnoe  staff   3232 Oct  9 12:21 ..
-rw-r--r--    1 fahnoe  staff   2437 Oct  9 12:21 20221009.log
drwxr-xr-x    2 fahnoe  staff     64 Oct  9 12:21 elements
-rw-r--r--    1 fahnoe  staff  20480 Oct  9 12:21 elements_cache.sqlite
drwxr-xr-x    2 fahnoe  staff     64 Oct  9 12:21 titleblocks
/Users/fahnoe/Library/Saved Application State/org.qelectrotech.savedState
fahnoe@luna ~ % 


Re: Reset all config

Thanks for these informations Larry, I try on my macos monterey 12.6 when I have a little free time.
Now is the time to go to my work ....and I hope to spend a quiet night without too many worries on the industrials machines ..


"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."