Topic: Suggestion. Slave: other than switch

I see qet is very useful and I been used for several years. So I now ask for 2 more features:
1. Slave item also have marker other than switch. This useful for module like illuminated switch; The lamp should not marked as switch. But still shown on master.
Also good for marking panel image which shown on other folio and linked to the master component, yet not counted as additional contact.
2. Disable completely title block, so i can use component as title block. But it can take dynamic text field for folio item.



Re: Suggestion. Slave: other than switch

Hello anthos,

Point 1 added to the todo list.

For point 2, I don't understand why you want to use element as titleblock instead of the titleblock itself ?

Développeur QElectroTech


Re: Suggestion. Slave: other than switch

Thanks for reply, i am waiting for next v9.x.x then.

Joshua wrote:

For point 2, I don't understand why you want to use element as titleblock instead of the titleblock itself ?

It's because at some point i want to control the line. But the only way is control all around cell.
Also i have svg template which used on freecad and other. So i want to make same title block on a whole document.

For now, i just export qet drawing as svg without frame, and add svg drawing. Therefore, i must manually keep the numbering.


Re: Suggestion. Slave: other than switch

anthos1984 wrote:

I see qet is very useful and I been used for several years. So I now ask for 2 more features:
1. Slave item also have marker other than switch. This useful for module like illuminated switch; The lamp should not marked as switch. But still shown on master.
Also good for marking panel image which shown on other folio and linked to the master component, yet not counted as additional contact.


If you your ask is about this
The light is not a slave of the button, but of a PLC output or a relay, it is not the fact of mechanically activating the push button that makes the light change its state.

So I don't agree with your request.

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