Topic: Export as DXF - focus on development of the capability in QElectroTech

I was recently asked by a QET user: "I have been using QElectroTech for about three years now. I work in a company that manufactures, assembles and commissiones industrial steam and hot water boilers. The program is very intuitive, I am satisfied with it.

I created my own quite extensive collection of elements, using DXF to QET also the corresponding symbols for the mounting panel, etc.

The problem is in exporting to .dxf. Customers are increasingly demanding plans in an editable form. that they are allowed to download QET completely free of charge. is kind of "not interested".

I am forwarding an e-mail that I sent to the creator of the converter, but unfortunately it did not receive a call from me."

The result of experiments with various services that will convert from PDF to DXF or desktop applications like Autocad converter leads to the conclusion that some will make a pretty decent file for Autocad (with limit 1 file per day if not registered), however, text is not text, but always a group of points and it is very, very difficult to edit.

For potential volunteers able to get the QET project saved as DXF to a suitable level, including text, this is an incentive to focus attention.

2 (edited by RedBaron 2021-08-22 15:38:11)

Re: Export as DXF - focus on development of the capability in QElectroTech


QElectrotech saves the texts as DXF blocks, the DXF files are ASCII DXF files and not binary DXF files.
One way to edit the DXF files from QElectrotech is to import them into the free 2D version of Siemens Solid Edge 2021, where the texts can be edited.

A disadvantage of Solid Edge is that it is only available under MS Windows.

The DXF files can also be opened in LibreCAD,
after opening, all blocks must be selected and edited with the command
Tools->modify->explode to make the text editable. LibreCAD, FreeCAD or Autodesk Fusion 360 will open the DXF files created by QElectrotech.

With kind regards