Topic: References between terminal-blocks?

I'm new to this forum, so sorry for a stupid question...

Maybe this is not correct regarding ISO, but:
I have a complex circuit in my cabinet and it ends on terminal blocks (L,N,PE and L1,L2). The other side of the terminalblocks is connected to independent room, plug-connectors and so on (using 5x1.5mm^2 cables)

Is there a way to draw the circuit in the cabinet, let it end on a terminal block X42.3. On another page I would like to use again the same symbol for the terminal block X42.3 to visualize the connections to lamps, plug-connectors and so on.

Of course I would like to show a reference between the two, so that I can see where the other side of X42.3 continues.

I know, for sure its not 100% ISO standard, but I think it would help to make an easier visualiziation.

I tried to cheat a bit, but I cannot make a new symbol with more than one connection to generate a foil reference.
And I cannot create a master/slave symbol without showing a the switch table, what I need is a reference only


Re: References between terminal-blocks?


maybe like this workaround? … 8477#p8477

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Attachment icon 917.11 kb, 141 downloads since 2021-07-27 

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

3 (edited by georg.troska 2021-07-28 09:52:30)

Re: References between terminal-blocks?

thank you very much. your example is very impressive. Especially this symbol (attached) is interesting. But what I have seen in your example is that all the necessary information like "IX3.27", "38" is placed in manually :-(.


Post's attachments

sym.PNG, 7.3 kb, 278 x 244
sym.PNG 7.3 kb, 146 downloads since 2021-07-28 

4 (edited by georg.troska 2021-07-28 10:00:29)

Re: References between terminal-blocks?

what I was actually thinking about was something like this: (see attachment)

a couple of connections is ending in one terminalblock X2.1. This is the view from the cabinet's side.

When I'm looking now into the room I'm using the same terminalblock as entry point

Both parts need a cross reference to each other. I this case I filled everything in manually.
As far as I can see it is not possible at the moment to create on automatic reference as you can only have one connection in a foil reference. And a reference to a master-part will create a table at the master part.

Or - let me ask the question in another way:
I have ~100 Terminalblocks with 5 individual connections each. What is the best representation if I want to view the circuit in the cabinet and for each individual room? (I know that I can make a foil reference for each connection individually - but is this common?)


Post's attachments

link.PNG, 32.11 kb, 691 x 594
link.PNG 32.11 kb, 148 downloads since 2021-07-28 

Re: References between terminal-blocks?

Like this?

Post's attachments

Attachment icon test5.qet 18.93 kb, 226 downloads since 2021-07-28 

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

Re: References between terminal-blocks?

in principle yes!

But now I still have to make sure that the terminal-blocks are having the same name. (Because they are not linked anymore itself)

What would you do?
* would you create the reference between the foils via 5 foil-references per terminal-block - so one on each connection?
* or would you create a foil-reference using the rectangular by having a not-connected link somewhere overlaying on a terminal-block....

I really cannot estimate how far this rectanglar is away from ISO standards. Have you seen something like this before?
