1 (edited by Rasec 2020-09-10 15:36:54)

Topic: Idea of functionality

I don't know if this update is proposed.
but it consists of being able to create an internal database, so that I can put the various models and names of manufacturers.
how it works today, i create an element and put manufacturer, model, etc ... which makes me have 10 identical items with different names.
now, if on the settings screen I could put all these items, I would have only 1 item with several possibilities of use ...
I don't know if I was very clear on the idea ...

Re: Idea of functionality

you make a good point, in fact the elements have to be completely reworked, it takes too long in windows to load, reason: too many files, possible solution multiple elements in one file.
In short, we should list what elements should look like.
And adjust the code.

3 (edited by De-Backer 2020-09-10 21:38:40)

Re: Idea of functionality

part 1

element: (symbol)
-a uuid = 9B67FD6A-14B9-4C0D-9EE1-54C568973CDF

-a name(s)
 -name lang = en var = Coil
-some terminals
 -terminal uuid = 9B67FD6A-14B9-4C0D-9EE1-54C568973CDF x="0" y="-21" orientation="n"
 -terminal uuid = 9B67FD6A-14B9-4C0D-9EE1-54C568973CDF x="5" y="-45" orientation="n"
 -terminal uuid = 9B67FD6A-14B9-4C0D-9EE1-54C568973CDF x="10" y="21" orientation="s"
 -terminal uuid = 9B67FD6A-14B9-4C0D-9EE1-54C568973CDF x="20" y="21" orientation="s"

-some rect, line, type, ...

part 2 (element info, terminal name, extras)

- a manufacturer
- info of manufacturer
- element uuid = 9B67FD6A-14B9-4C0D-9EE1-54C568973CDF  (symbol)
  - terminal uuid = 9B67FD6A-14B9-4C0D-9EE1-54C568973CDF name = 11
  - terminal uuid = 9B67FD6A-14B9-4C0D-9EE1-54C568973CDF name = 22
  - terminal uuid = 9B67FD6A-14B9-4C0D-9EE1-54C568973CDF name = 13
  - terminal uuid = 9B67FD6A-14B9-4C0D-9EE1-54C568973CDF name = 23
  - info of element
- element uuid = 9B67FD6A-14B9-4C0D-9EE1-54C568973CDF  (symbol)
  - terminal uuid = 9B67FD6A-14B9-4C0D-9EE1-54C568973CDF name = 31
  - terminal uuid = 9B67FD6A-14B9-4C0D-9EE1-54C568973CDF name = 42
  - terminal uuid = 9B67FD6A-14B9-4C0D-9EE1-54C568973CDF name = 33
  - terminal uuid = 9B67FD6A-14B9-4C0D-9EE1-54C568973CDF name = 43
  - info of element
- element uuid = 9B67FD6A-14B9-4C0D-9EE1-54C568973CDF  (symbol)
  - terminal uuid = 9B67FD6A-14B9-4C0D-9EE1-54C568973CDF name = 1
  - terminal uuid = 9B67FD6A-14B9-4C0D-9EE1-54C568973CDF name = 4
  - terminal uuid = 9B67FD6A-14B9-4C0D-9EE1-54C568973CDF name = 3
  - terminal uuid = 9B67FD6A-14B9-4C0D-9EE1-54C568973CDF name = 5
  - info of element
- element uuid = 9B67FD6A-14B9-4C0D-9EE1-54C568973CDF  (symbol)
  - terminal uuid = 9B67FD6A-14B9-4C0D-9EE1-54C568973CDF name = 41
  - terminal uuid = 9B67FD6A-14B9-4C0D-9EE1-54C568973CDF name = 64
  - terminal uuid = 9B67FD6A-14B9-4C0D-9EE1-54C568973CDF name = 43
  - terminal uuid = 9B67FD6A-14B9-4C0D-9EE1-54C568973CDF name = 55
  - info of element

and link the 2 parts together

Re: Idea of functionality

De-Backer wrote:

you make a good point, in fact the elements have to be completely reworked, it takes too long in windows to load, reason: too many files, possible solution multiple elements in one file.
In short, we should list what elements should look like.
And adjust the code.

The solution for Windows user is WSL2 ... nomicons/grin
https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page= … ical-Disks
https://www.phoronix.com/forums/forum/p … om-windows

Microsoft love Linux -> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embrace,_ … extinguish

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

5 (edited by De-Backer 2020-09-11 07:19:36)

Re: Idea of functionality

Laurent, are you answering the next user who complains about qet's slow startup?
windows 7 is still widely used..
even windows XP is still used.

Anyway Rasec makes a good point, I was planning to change the elements now you can't add extra info, it's a standard list. (kindInformations)

Re: Idea of functionality

Yes, we have thought about this in the past, but we have never started this work.

Quick design :


Post's attachments

Attachment icon sansnom.qet 120.26 kb, 188 downloads since 2020-09-11 

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

7 (edited by Joshua 2020-09-11 17:32:06)

Re: Idea of functionality

Rasec wrote:

which makes me have 10 identical items with different names.
now, if on the settings screen I could put all these items, I would have only 1 item with several possibilities of use ...

But why did you do this? Why did you don't create only one item and fill the name, reference etc... in the diagram editor ? For gain some time ?
In the official collection there is a lot of visually identical element with different names, reference etc... personally I'm not ok with that, but I prefer let you (users) and Laurent decide what is ok or not, and focused me on the code.

For the subject of the database, I already thought of this since a long time and I plan to implement this, but when... ?
There is a lot lot lot of things to do in qet, and we are a very little team who work on qet on our free time.
I can only tell you : wait for the moment nomicons/smile

Développeur QElectroTech

Re: Idea of functionality

Joshua, don't take on too much, see the DebConf20
https://tweakers.net/nieuws/172052/debi … nodig.html

Many of the current developers would take too much on their shoulders, feeling that no one else would do it.

Re: Idea of functionality

Joshua wrote:

In the official collection there is a lot of visually identical element with different names, reference etc... personally I'm not ok with that, ...

We can tackle this if we can link the symbols to the manufacturer's data.

First draw up a good plan, test it, make it.

versie 1.0??

10 (edited by De-Backer 2020-09-11 20:49:37)

Re: Idea of functionality

an example

from https://horizon-eda.org/
from https://librepcb.org/
more info https://developers.librepcb.org/df/d4f/doc_library.html

I ask the users to draw up a list and a database model, only then does the discussion come up with the developer(s)