Topic: Generating bookmarks in pdf file
(Bookmarks: that clickable list that is possible to see for some documents in pdf readers.)
I am thinking of using ghostscript to add bookmarks to the pdf exported from QET, using this method i found now: … linux.html
It is use ghostscript to add a list of pages and titles from a text file.
I wonder if someone more fluent in this subject can help with a simple script to generate that list from the qet file... Something like
For each line starting with <diagram indexrev=" , parse that line and:
Start to output a line, starting with [Page
add page number retrieved from the order="" field (with space added to both sides of number)
add[color=#3366ff] /Title ([/color]
add the title retrieved from the title="" field
add ) /OUT pdfmark and linefeed.
If we can automate that, including afterwards running the ghostscript command in a script it wild be really nice.
OK even better if integrated in QET of course