1 (edited by jubert.loic 2024-05-16 13:09:34)

Topic: Elements constructeur Distech

Bonjour à tous,
Je dois intégrer du matériel Distech dans mes schémas.
J'ai les élément au format PDF ou dwg ou vsd.
J'ai essayé la conversion en dxf puis l'intégration avec DXFtoQET.exe
Le résultat est plus que surprenant.
Bref je n'arrive a rien d'utilisable

J'ai cru voir que la conversion n'était pas toujours facile, afin que les habitués puissent faire des tests j'ai attaché les fichiers sources.

Une fois la méthode correct trouvée la bibliothèque pourra être disponible pour tout le monde.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 05DI-AD16DIX-10.dwg 264.94 kb, 84 downloads since 2024-05-16 

Attachment icon 05DI-PD16DIX-10.pdf 106.34 kb, 134 downloads since 2024-05-16 

Attachment icon 05DI-VD16DIX-10.vsd 618.5 kb, 78 downloads since 2024-05-16 

Re: Elements constructeur Distech

What tool did you use to convert what format to which one?
What error-messages do you get from the converter(s)?
Here https://gprivate.com/6b88g you find an online-converter where you can set different dxf-versions as output-format.

Fragen zu QET gehören in dieses Forum und werden nicht per PM beantwortet! – Questions regarding QET belong in this forum and will NOT be answered via PM! – Les questions concernant QET doivent être posées sur ce forum et ne seront pas traitées par MP !

Re: Elements constructeur Distech

We try some free web site to convert DWG to DXF, and we also use Nova to convert and the result was the same

We didn't get any error back but after using it

We used DXFtoQET.exe to convert DXF to elmt and the result was not correct we add just carrecters and nothing else.

I just try that one https://cloudconvert.com/dwg-to-dxf and then I use DXFtoQET.exe and the result is not correct

You can see the file attached

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 05diad16dix10 (1).elmt 546.59 kb, 86 downloads since 2024-05-16 

4 (edited by plc-user 2024-05-16 23:15:55)

Re: Elements constructeur Distech

What is wrong with the created element?

Open the element-file with Element-editor, delete the "garbage" and save the element again.
When you then use QET_ElementScaler with a factor of 97 you'll get something like the attached file with a perfect scale of 1mm = 2px!

For such a relatively simple part, I wouldn't do the work with dwg to dxf to elmt with all the imponderables and the resulting huge files! You'll have to edit these parts with Element-Editor anyway!

When I look at the real part, there are a handful of rectangles and circles that can be put together quite quickly with the element editor. Then you are also flexible if, for example, you want to have the entire series from the manufacturer as front view in QET.

In my opinion, a few rectangles and circles are enough for circuit diagram symbols anyway (see manufacturer parts Wago or Weidmüller).

In my opinion dxf2elmt produces "better" elements:

[EDIT 2]:
LibreCAD can handle the dwg from your first post and can export dxf that can be read by dxf2elmt.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 05diad16dix10 (1).SCALED.elmt 372.37 kb, 73 downloads since 2024-05-16 

Fragen zu QET gehören in dieses Forum und werden nicht per PM beantwortet! – Questions regarding QET belong in this forum and will NOT be answered via PM! – Les questions concernant QET doivent être posées sur ce forum et ne seront pas traitées par MP !

Re: Elements constructeur Distech

Does anybody know, if jubert.loic is still alive?
He did not answer, if the suggestion helped, nor did he say "thanks" for the help!

Fragen zu QET gehören in dieses Forum und werden nicht per PM beantwortet! – Questions regarding QET belong in this forum and will NOT be answered via PM! – Les questions concernant QET doivent être posées sur ce forum et ne seront pas traitées par MP !