Topic: Element size limitations?

Hi all, first post.
Enjoying using QET, thanks to all who contributed.

I tried searching but didnt find any answer for the below question.

I have created an element that has used several grapics to display its input functions. It saved ok, but viewing it later causes the element to not display or be missing some details in the editor or project.

Are there known limitation for the size of elements?

2 (edited by plc-user 2024-04-25 15:47:05)

Re: Element size limitations?

If your component is so large or complex that it cannot be displayed, you should rethink your concept! In my opinion, it makes sense for a circuit diagram to divide large and complex devices into sensibly subdivided subgroups. When I look at some of the elements in the collection, I think to myself: No electrical engineer did this! Even the creator won't be able to cope with it in six months' time!

That's why I definitely go down the route of strictly separating the circuit diagram and the layout diagrams!

I'm curious: Which component is it?

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Re: Element size limitations?

Hi plc-user,
I wouldn't say the element was overly complex, it represents the device fully, it's a Dewe43 device with numerous ports and pins.
I have attached a screen grab of when it does display ok.
I have seperated the functions now, but would like to understand why the issue happens.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Dewe43.png 63.22 kb, 65 downloads since 2024-04-25 


Re: Element size limitations?


please send also your elmt file element  can be usefull.

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."Questions regarding QET belong in this forum and will NOT be answered via PM! – Les questions concernant QET doivent être posées sur ce forum et ne seront pas traitées par MP !


Re: Element size limitations?

Dewe43_full.elmt file attached.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon dewe43_full.elmt 117.52 kb, 77 downloads since 2024-04-26 


Re: Element size limitations?

There's something wrong with your element, or the hotspot is miscalculated...
Have you used a script to generate this element?
As a workaround I used plc-user's QET_ElementScaler tool with a factor of 1, now you can use this element without problem.
https://qelectrotech.org/forum/viewtopi … 808#p16808

laurent@debian:~/.qet$ ./QET_ElementScaler -f dewe43_full2.elmt 1

BTW some terminals need to be aligned again, use CTRL + arrows keys to align it.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon dewe43_full2.SCALED.elmt 119.15 kb, 80 downloads since 2024-04-26 

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."Questions regarding QET belong in this forum and will NOT be answered via PM! – Les questions concernant QET doivent être posées sur ce forum et ne seront pas traitées par MP !

7 (edited by plc-user 2024-04-28 06:49:26)

Re: Element size limitations?

handy817257 wrote:

Dewe43_full.elmt file attached.

Your element contains three polygons with invalid values for the respective points.

<polygon x1="nan" x2="nan" antialias="false" y2="nan" y5="nan" x5="nan" x4="nan" style="line-style:normal;line-weight:thin;filling:none;color:black" x6="nan" y6="nan" x3="nan" y1="nan" y3="nan" y4="nan"/>
<polygon x1="nan" x2="nan" antialias="false" y2="nan" y5="nan" x5="nan" x4="nan" style="line-style:normal;line-weight:thin;filling:none;color:black" x6="nan" y6="nan" x3="nan" y1="nan" y3="nan" y4="nan"/>
<polygon x4="nan" x10="nan" x29="nan" style="line-style:normal;line-weight:thin;filling:lightgray;color:black" y10="nan" x30="nan" x1="nan" x12="nan" y9="nan" x23="nan" y7="nan" x11="nan" x28="nan" x17="nan" y2="nan" x5="nan" y31="nan" x14="nan" x7="nan" y5="nan" y19="nan" y20="nan" y17="nan" x6="nan" x20="nan" x18="nan" y21="nan" y30="nan" y8="nan" y15="nan" y18="nan" y11="nan" y4="nan" y13="nan" y6="nan" y16="nan" y14="nan" x15="nan" y29="nan" antialias="false" x19="nan" x26="nan" y24="nan" y26="nan" x22="nan" x25="nan" y25="nan" y27="nan" y23="nan" x9="nan" x3="nan" x2="nan" x31="nan" y3="nan" x8="nan" x21="nan" x24="nan" y1="nan" x13="nan" x16="nan" y12="nan" x27="nan" y22="nan" y28="nan"/>

I cannot say from here where the polygons or the invalid values come from. However, it is reasonable to assume that the polygons were not created using the QET element editor. But you can only answer this question yourself.
With these invalid polygon points, the element editor also gets confused when calculating the component dimensions for the definition line and then the diagram editor cannot display the element correctly.
So everything can be explained.
But this might be a good example of why the element editor should perhaps carry out a plausibility check for the values read in when opening an elmt file?

QET_ElementScaler doesn't get confused by these invalid values any more. See below.

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Re: Element size limitations?

scorpio810 wrote:

There's something wrong with your element, or the hotspot is miscalculated...
Have you used a script to generate this element?
As a workaround I used plc-user's QET_ElementScaler tool with a factor of 1, now you can use this element without problem.
https://qelectrotech.org/forum/viewtopi … 808#p16808

laurent@debian:~/.qet$ ./QET_ElementScaler -f dewe43_full2.elmt 1

BTW some terminals need to be aligned again, use CTRL + arrows keys to align it.

No script used just qet built in editor! Thanks for finding the issue.


Re: Element size limitations?

@Handy... removed the 3 polygons with invalid points "y2="nan"" etc...signaled by plc-user, in your element XML fix the symbol.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon dewe43_full2.elmt 116.88 kb, 80 downloads since 2024-04-27 

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."Questions regarding QET belong in this forum and will NOT be answered via PM! – Les questions concernant QET doivent être posées sur ce forum et ne seront pas traitées par MP !


Re: Element size limitations?

QET_ElementScaler now checks polygon values for validity and does not transfer that polygon to the output element (a message is displayed at stderr). Additionally the definition-line of the output-element is correct in that case so that the element can directly be used in QET.
Available here: https://github.com/plc-user/QET_ElementScaler

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