Topic: Reset of auto numbering

Dear all
First: You have done a fantastic job with QElectroTech! I have just started to draw a new schematic and I am amazed how well it works.

I have read in the forum, that the auto-numbering is not "completely" implemented so far. Is it already implemented to reset all the auto numbered elements? Here is my use case:

I draw a schematic with some resistors (R1, R2, ..) then I delete some again during the development process and add new ones. Like this I get gaps in the numbering. For example R6 does not exist. Now I want the program to reset all numbers, and apply new element numbers ordered from left to right through the whole schematic, such that the counting starts at R1, and there are no missing numbers.

Is this already implemented? I could not find the feature yet, but the UI looks like this should be possible somehow?

Thanks for your reply.

Re: Reset of auto numbering

Hi Nico,

thanks for compliments.

See this topic :

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

Re: Reset of auto numbering

Thanks for your hint. So if I understand correctly, this feature is not (yet?) available through the GUI directly in QET.

Re: Reset of auto numbering

Not avalaible yet.

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."