Topic: Language configuration

Hi, I have install and the software was in English but today the software is in another language. I have already try in the configuration change to English and restart the PC but nothing happens. Can someone help me? Thank you.

Re: Language configuration

Windows operating system?

Then you should not start qelectrotech.exe directly.
Use the *.bat file in the root directory.
This bat file contains the start parameters for the application:

@echo off

rem Se rend dans le dossier qui convient
set current_dir=%~dp0
cd /d %current_dir%

rem Met la collection QET en lecture seule
attrib +r elements/* /S /D

rem lance QElectroTech
set command=.\bin\qelectrotech.exe -platform windows:fontengine=freetype --common-elements-dir=elements/ --common-tbt-dir=titleblocks/ --lang-dir=lang/ --config-dir=conf/ LANG=de_DE -style plastique %*

@start %command%

Here the program is started with German language.