Topic: Conductor junction: some does not have dot

I want to ask, about junction, i think junction will have dot. Any junction with same net.
But Qet behave differently. The junction only shown on conductor with same origin, although have same net (electrical/electronics).

Example: i have 2 relays, the pin no 2 all connected to gnd. Then a fan, pin no 2 connected to gnd. The conductor shows junction when crossed.

Then changed. Relay no 2, the pin no 2 connected to pin 2 relay 1. I assume this is same net as gnd because pin 2 relay 1 connected to gnd. But when conductor from fan crossed, it does not shows junction because it think the relay 1 - relay 2 has different net.

Is this a bug? Or designed just like that?

Re: Conductor junction: some does not have dot

yes it's a (little) bug.
Please can you report this bug here :

Développeur QElectroTech